Walter Bjorkman (Present - 1948)
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"Bjorkman" redirects here. For other uses, see Idiot (disambiguation).
Born: Maybe, or maybe he is a figment of his own lack of imagination
in the mythical time and place of post-war Brooklyn
Died: Not yet, we think, but one can only hope, place to be determined by whichever past lover gets to him first
Occupation: Poet(Haaaaa!), Those Little Things On The End Of Your Shoelace Maker Apprentice, Medicinal Study Subject
Language: He calls it such, we have our doubts
Nationality: World Without Borders Bookstores
Alma mater: Guy's and Doll's Hospital
Literary movement: When he has an itch to write, he will scratch pubics in public
Spouse(s): Frances "Brawney" Fanny (married, never betrothed)
The little kid down the block with the always dirty face and runny nose and the Post-Fruitloophaelite Sisterhood of the Divine Misconception
Walter Bjorkman (pronounced: with larynx, tongue and lips) was the earliest born of the not-so-great Pedantic Poets.[1] Along with no one else, he was one of the key figures in the only generation of the movement, despite not publishing his work over only a fourty-year period.[B] During his pitiful life, his work was not well received by critics, but his posthumous influence on poets such as anyone with a sense of self-worth was insignificant. The poetry of Bjorkman was characterized by a total lack of imagery, most notably in the series of dementia poems which remain among the least popular poems in English literature. The letters of Bjorkman are among the most uncelebrated by any English poet.
Early Life
Not yet lived, check back in a decade or so
An old poet—the Cock-eyed School
Strongly drawn by a lack of ambition inspired by fellow poets such as Felix the Cat and Hervé Villechaize, but beleaguered by family financial crises that continued to the beginning of his life, he suffered periods of deep elation. His brother Susan wrote that Walter "feared that he should never not be a poet, & if he was he would destroy language as we know it, or else take a nice nap".[8]
Unhappy with living in London, as he never set foot there so how could he, and in good health, Bjorkman moved into rooms at Not-Two-Well Walk, where he still writes today in a chair and straight-jacket.
[content removed because of objectionable material]
Guiding Principle
Bjorkman attributes his skill as a poet [citation needed - ain't gonna find any] to following throughout his life a quote from his favorite Shakespearean Actor, William Howard Mays, Jr.:
"How many outs is it? Is it one out or two? I just wanna know how many outs it is." [x]
Lasting Contribution
In spite of no discernable talent or merit, Bjorkman did contribute somewhat to the world of literature in the late 20th and early 21st centuries by causing the immediate dismissal of incompetent editors that published his work. Most notable being: whEredOcaPitalsbeloNgprESs? and The Self-Esteemed Really Small Backwater State or City With Snooty Pretentions Triennial.
Cultural References
In 2008 Bjorkman was seen backstage of the Charlie Rose show, playing patty-cake with a pink tu-tu clad Norman Mailer, one year after Mailer's death, thereby dispelling the icon's macho image forever.
Recent Sightings
On April 24, 2010 Bjorkman attempted his first flash work, a night on f'naut, and immediately the NY Flash Exchange closed to prevent a precipitous drop in readership.
See Also
Anyone incapable of coherence
1. See [8]
B. See a dictionary
8. See [1]
x. Letters to the Editor, National Lampoon, circa 1972
Not to be confused with Walter R. Bjorkman, an old coot who peddled a self-published book on Amazon titled 75 Years in the Life of an Average Guy, nor the Walter Bjorkman who was lead guitarist of Clouds and Swallow who when he joined Ill Wind drove them into the ground. Really, they existed and he is not either of them - you could look it up over on that there google.
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See: Bellevue Psychiatric ward
I'm right up there with you, unfortunately.
Very creative piece, Walter. I like this. Marvelous form.
excellent, form, story, the play of it! congrats too on your metazen piece up today (4/8)
Nice one, Walter. I love what you do with the form. Quite funny as well.
Very witty! Love the play with form.
Haha! Very funny. Pedantic poets, Nationality > much needed giggles. Thanks. Though I sense this entry is not true...
Very funny and witty.
What an interesting concept for the structure and form of a story. And funny and packed with talent and a story that was clearly handled with great care.
Ha! Wonderful & Wicked, Walter :)
very funny - do you think Norman would have laughed??
Love this, very original and hilarious.Love the titles of his books.
"Ill wind" sounds like the name ed gorey would give to a band.
Very funny.
"The poetry of Bjorkman was characterized by a total lack of imagery, most notably in the series of dementia poems which remain among the least popular poems in English literature. The letters of Bjorkman are among the most uncelebrated by any English poet."
Oh, wonderful, just funny and spot-on wonderful.
I managed to sneak out to a comp in the storage area of Bellvue's psych records and I must object to all this misguided praise. If I have any legacy to leave, alas, it is one of lasting, dreadful, excruciatingly horrible body of work and all of you are ruining it! I shoulda' stay an aglet maker apprentice, could'a been a Master Agletter by now! (yeah I found out what to call them - good library here on the ward - also found out the little thing that hangs down in the back of your mouth is a "uvula" - sounds dirty to me!) Oops, they're out in the hall, searching with the big butterfly net, gotta run!. In closing, to quote another great poet - about all this misplaced opinions "NOW CUT THAT OUT!"
. . . "Norman, they are here - we gotta stop meeting like this
This is great, Walter!
A fave.
Loved the playfulness here and the brilliant construction. So very beautifully built. And the architecture remains a wonder even as we happily puzzle about how in the world the master's hand came to know such a thing.
Great title - Wonderful funny lines and well set out - a sadness lies beneath the humour - bring on the clowns...
I like the playfulness; and the form is a trip. I would like to see this embedded in a larger work -- I think it's a chapter in a novel.
great humbugging and swipe at the wiki!
I laughed out loud!"For other uses, see Idiot (disambiguation)."
"World Without Borders Bookstores" - heh.
Say Hey, Walter
v nice
You are competing this evening with Christian Bok (o umlaut) audio Eunoia and Dan Harris bass clarinet. Win.
It's wacky
I really need to get to work on my dementia poems.
This is fucking fantastic. I'd fav it over and over if I could. His poetry "...characterized by a total lack of imagery" stands out especially, because the rich layers of this piece are gonna stay with me for days, even longer.
But to tell the truth, I've always suspected Mailer of being a closet tutu-prancer.
Walter--a second * a year have made my day today--please don't forget that *
they would not let me give you a second or third fave--sorry...
Loved this spoof! *
*, Walter. Marvelous piece, fella. I didn't read it first time around so I just read it twice.