2259 2 1
The following day, I was so nervous that I decided to have a drink to keep a lid on my nerves. It wasn't even noon yet. They say that's when you know it's getting bad, and that drinking has become a problem. But I hadn't gone out with anyone in over fi
2852 45 29
He sat on a leather couch in the nude, blew smoke rings shaped like wild animals and picked verses out of the thick air.
2483 29 13
. . was the earliest born of the not-so-great Pedantic Poets . .
. . beleaguered by family financial crises that continued to the beginning of his life, he suffered periods of deep elation . .
22 1 0
A half-dozen times, he had rebuffed the man’s request to read for him, until the poet accepted that Hugh was no soft touch, no touch at all.
70 4 2
"...Whatever happened to Perry
Farrell, anyway?..."
61 7 4
Some Gulf grunts bled
burgundy; others, cherry
It's not the viscosity,
but a certainty ...
33 0 0
a happy bath
time bubble that boils
143 6 5
Once metal is rotting, there is residue.
Yes that is the color.
Caput Mortum.
43 1 0
Wrinkling his brow, You’re nearly a woman now, he said. Major in science or math. Write poetry in your spare time.
536 0 0
The weather is chilly here in discomfort The goose bumps raise their black flags I've never peered through domes of eternal bliss Those sleek enough, slide past me I seek the empty company in brown plastic bags, With only a few holes and a branded…
1397 13 7
If ever I read a poem aloud
It will not be from a podium’s shelter
45 0 0
I’ll sit up
all night,
I don’t mind.
I don’t have to
Go to work,
Wake up early.
1171 5 4
I’ll sit up
all night,
I don’t mind.
I don’t have to
Go to work,
Wake up early.
1111 1 0
What if
I have been doing
Hasn’t been heard
By anyone?
1002 0 0
It’s just another
Day where I feel tired, but I
Don’t know why it’s so.