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People Who Go to Poems for Truth

10891089 views1010 comments66 favs

People Who Go to Poems for Truth

Song of Unself

10651065 views1111 comments88 favs

nothing suffices as harbor / but a permit to claw at every yawing chasm

A Poet in a Coffeeshop in the Motherfucking Nineties

12051205 views1010 comments77 favs

Look at her. She doesn't want to be here. The kiss and “wouldn't miss it for the world” was as empty as her crossed arms, crossed legs, and jittery foot were loaded. She attacked the foam of her latte with a tiny red straw. I wanted to scream. Complain about the…

Ben Clarone: Prologue Part 1

10901090 views1111 comments88 favs

The gaunt broken man walked with short quick steps on the uneven path.


11511151 views1010 comments77 favs

Moments before they had been holding hands, but when they turned the corner and she told him she did not want to go down the dark path he had turned also, into someone she did not recognize and could not understand.

Marriage, California Style

11581158 views88 comments88 favs

Out the window we could see the parking lot and, across the street, the Bijou Moonlight Laundromat.

The Way Back Home

11831183 views99 comments77 favs

500 miles all the way from Omaha nine hours on the back of a flatbed truck

A Cameo (for no-one)

12341234 views77 comments55 favs

I bleed my heart into my computer, peruse The fact they have proclaimed my root unfit for use But it is I! This manhood, this tower Extending up toward the heavens like a miraculous flower, Purple headed warrior of generation, See it standing…

Leftover Author's Notes

287287 views1616 comments77 favs

#281: If you make it to the end on this one, I'll send you $1,000 in cash and a bag of apples. Your choices are Granny Smith and Fuji. I can also pay you in euros if that helps.


433433 views66 comments44 favs

Amen, no more nothingness now, finally the hilarity of a band of abecedarians getting drunk on whiskey and beer. We've been in this place since 11 am, now its December in January On the toilet cubicle wall are words such as Sorry and …

Bride and Groom

12231223 views1616 comments77 favs

He wears an old black tux, shiny at the elbows, and his gray hair has been styled and sprayed into a fragile tornado. On his lap sits a Chihuahua wearing a bridal outfit—veil and all.


10301030 views1010 comments77 favs

There were too many laws but not enough of the kinds she wanted. She wished for the right to go shopping. Then taste rather than disposable income or access to finance could distinguish people.

Love and Destruction In A '67 El Dorado

15601560 views1313 comments1111 favs

He had her pinned to the back seat, expressing his love. Do you love me? she whispered in his ear. Do you, do you, Jimmy Dale, do you love me? His only response…

Aquis Submersus

10201020 views1010 comments88 favs

In a dream, he’s covered in masticated bits of paint and canvas and metal shavings and it keeps raining down until he’s buried and he wakes up with a yell.

Where's Waldo?

10791079 views99 comments88 favs

Over his usual ham sandwich and skim milk for lunch Uncle Waldo used to always say, “Going out in the dead of night without a flashlight is dangerous.” But I knew what I was doing. After dark, I'd slip out and sneaker on down the path to take a dip in a…

The Match Maker and His Student

139139 views88 comments88 favs

Then there was the slide, some time during late winter

End Game

764764 views1414 comments77 favs

The will to make/ remains

Kitty Love

14201420 views1111 comments88 favs

Our next door neighbor is in love with his cat. His wife sits in our kitchen crying her eyes out.

In an authentic Irish pub in Las Vegas

943943 views55 comments55 favs

In an authentic Irish pub in Las Vegas where over much crowd noise the three of us are discussing Yeats, Joyce and Lady Gregory. We’re in an Irish pub after all, plus the fact we’re literature profs attending a Vegas academic conference.


18051805 views1212 comments66 favs

It’s about 4:30 when the phone rings. I look at the display and see it’s home. “Hey,” I say picking up. “I hate you,” says Jules. “I hate, you, too,” I say. My co-workers don’t even blink. They’ve heard this before.

The Argument

13441344 views1010 comments88 favs

"What mouths could not say, hands did."

Instructions Found in an Empty Can of Coffee

907907 views1212 comments77 favs

If you find a lone, sad honeybee, buy a Habitrail cage and make it your new pet.

Donnie's end

11531153 views1212 comments88 favs

I pointed, trying to keep a rising frisson of alarm from my voice.

The Rare Air on Planet Teeny

13151315 views1010 comments88 favs

Half-pint Ball canning jars, each labeled in earnest capital letters, took up a whole wall of Teeny’s bedroom. Inside each jar was air she had collected from some place important to her life.

The Brevity of Anthropology

10111011 views1111 comments88 favs

In time's embroidery, the human storyis a short stretch of a short strand within the thread of half a knot-and that stretch of strand's defective. What will mourn us when we're gone?Not the plants which live so lightly on the earth.Not the scorpions and not the ants.Perhaps…

Right of Spring

12231223 views88 comments88 favs

dicks, skulls and upside down crosses

Same Grape, Different Name

14251425 views1313 comments88 favs

on this scenic route you will likely encounter a handful of bicycle spoke lobster traps.

The Pixie

11941194 views1111 comments77 favs

On the bank of the stream, we take off our clothes and dash into the water.


15581558 views1212 comments33 favs

The neighbor kids start, we join in–


10411041 views1111 comments77 favs

... his skin glistened like a sharp blade