by Jake Barnes
From time to time, my wife and I like get away from the workaday world. We book a room either at a lodge at Bodega Bay, where Hitchcock filmed The Birds, or on the ocean just north of Monterey.
The place on the ocean is a sanctuary for endangered animals and plants. At some point I always ask my wife if she would like to see if we can find a legless lizard. It is a rare and protected species. The lodge is above the beach, and the protected areas are roped off. From each of the units you get to the ocean shore via winding trails.
When I bring up the lizard, my wife smiles and raises her eyebrows.
We eat, sleep, play Scrabble on our iPads, and go down to breakers at sunrise and sunset. The sunset is spectacular. The last time we were there we met a couple from Wisconsin on the trail, and we took photos of them with their camera, and they did the same for us with ours.
In the morning the surf was up, and huge waves pounded the shore. I got up early and went down to the beach. Tiny birds skittered back and forth before the crashing waves, risking life and limb, finding goodies to eat I suppose as the water reached its fingers well up the shore, then retreated.
I took a photo of the tableau with my back to the sun. My shadow melded with sky, surf, sand, and the busy birds. I trudged up the hill against the grain. I kept slipping in the powdery sand.
The first day we had lunch at a tiny Greek restaurant on the main street in Carmel. It was noisy, but the food was excellent. The next day we visited the Aquarium. The place was crawling with school kids. They ogled the undulant jellyfish. They held up their iPhones and took pictures. In another section of the building there was a little island that was home to local birds, and I finally got to see an Oyster Catcher after years and years of being on the lookout for the elusive creature.
We ate at the Greek restaurant again the next day. There were too many people in a small space. We pretended to be deep in conversation. I couldn't hear her; she couldn't hear me. Nobody could hear us. We held hands and whispered sweet nothings.
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A summer romance. Complete with walks on the beach, legless lizards, and sweet nothings.
Wonderful story. Lovely ending. fv*
"We eat, sleep, play Scrabble on our iPads, and go down to breakers at sunrise and sunset. The sunset is spectacular. The last time we were there we met a couple from Wisconsin on the trail, and we took photos of them with their camera, and they did the same for us with ours."
Other than the close, my favorite part. Something particularly 21st century about it.
Gloria, Gary, thanks a bunch. If you're ever in Carmel, let me know.
Good presence of details -
"The next day we visited the Aquarium. The place was crawling with school kids. They ogled the undulant jellyfish. They held up their iPhones and took pictures. In another section of the building there was a little island that was home to local birds..."
I like the piece.
Great selection of details. *
What a fine picture. And how could it have existed without the noisy resturant. I like the juxtaposition. I think that's what makes this interesting.
Jake, Susan Tepper turned me on to this Sam Rasnake essay this morning. It completely shaded my read of your story... and it's a fine piece too. You might want to check it out.
Thanks to Sam, John, and Steven for the kind reviews. And thanks, Steven, for the heads up about Sam's essay.
Liked this a lot. I've been to all these places, and your rendering of place, time, and character is spot on.*
Gary H's coment reflects my feelings: "Something particularly 21st century about it."
"I always ask my wife if..."
That "always" is startling and razor sharp!
Is the legless lizard the narrator? Is the Oyster Catcher the wife? Just asking?
Provocative piece.
Thanks, Gary and Bill. No the legless lizard is just a critter. Ditto the bird.
Very well done Jake. I lived in San Francisco and then Petaluma for 20+ years and visited Bodega Bay, Carmel and Monterey often. Your story made me a bit homesick for the west coast, though it's nice to be back on this side of the country closer to my extended family. I enjoy reading your work.