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15231523 views1111 comments77 favs

When I got out I didn't buy a new suit of clothes, step into a bar, or bargain for an hour with a whore.

Poetry is like baseball

15231523 views33 comments33 favs

Poetry is like baseball.

Just like I read the news

15231523 views66 comments66 favs

She sang will you still need me

Arcana Magi - c.7: Instinct

15231523 views00 comments00 favs

Her body shivered from the liquid and she felt loose. Her mind relaxed and a veil of pink mist covered her body.


15231523 views00 comments00 favs

The man that had been in the driver's seat approached. "What the fuck are you doing here?" he said.

Waiting to Disappear

15221522 views55 comments44 favs

Phew! That was close.

The Brazen Bull

15221522 views99 comments44 favs

History is replete with brutally imaginative techniques of torture and execution, but I am the only death machine that doubles as a musical instrument.

The birds who coo

15221522 views55 comments22 favs

My mate and I are owned, but have freedom to take to the endless sky.

Arcana Magi - c.6: Damage Control

15221522 views00 comments00 favs

Alysia gritted her teeth, lifted her legs up, and stood straight. She took Reya’s arms with a gentle touch and unlatched them assuring that she was okay. She stood before Oryn with her wings stretched out gathering a wave of heat.

500 Words or Less

15211521 views88 comments77 favs

A brief commentary on the uselessness of endings.

Egon Schiele In Prison

15211521 views1414 comments1313 favs

With his hand, he sees through walls: from the street, From Schonbran park, girls go to rest in his house. They sleep off parents’ beatings. They eat.

Physicist in love

15211521 views1313 comments99 favs

He saw symmetry, exquisite geometry, body and built world in harmony.

SUPER DAD flies coach

15211521 views33 comments33 favs

“I don’t want to scare you,” the stewardess says, “but there are ten police officers waiting for you outside the plane.” I reach into the diaper bag and grab an Elmo raspberry/pear cereal bar, rip it open, take a bite, sip some apple juice fr

A Documentary About Sharks

15211521 views77 comments11 fav

As I lean over the chrome rail and look at the floor on the street level of the mall, I ask myself a question. If I was to fall, I wonder if it would be better to land and lie there with my eyes open or closed. Closed, I decide, would make me look like I was at peace, open…


15211521 views1111 comments33 favs

That summer crawled with them, insects of every denomination: cicadas caught by the cat, wingless, came to rest in the roots of the garden we planted; sudden swarms of dragonflies...

Second-Shift Parenting

15201520 views66 comments22 favs

Your mom’s favorite joke right now is how enamored I am with the chair the nurse brought me, the one that converted into a bed. Apparently, it’s all I can talk about when people ask about your birth. But really what can I say? If I say the birth was easy,

On " Thinking outside the box."

15201520 views1313 comments1111 favs

Love to. Really would. …

Hobo's Pastor

15201520 views1616 comments88 favs

The three of us traveled seven hours that day and Al traveled as far in the service of finding the right tool for his writing.

Human Frailty

15201520 views1717 comments1212 favs

Conceptio culpa Nasci pena Labor vita Necesse mori

Cool Gray Redemption

15201520 views99 comments77 favs

I’ve been such a fool, so reckless and untrue.


15201520 views00 comments00 favs

I am warming up the Hotel Hugo courtesy shuttle van when Victor the front desk manager comes striding out waving his arms asking me why I haven't backed up yet. Victor says I'm always in my own world when I should be paying attention to the work at hand,

No Title

15201520 views22 comments00 favs

She spilled her neurons across the dissecting board of the violin, breathed deep and forced herself outward with every exhalation. Her molecules mixed with wax and horsehair, and her heart valves arched in unison.

Tips for the Prospective Superhero

15201520 views4747 comments2626 favs

Drop out of school. Buy a journal and keep a list of excuses. Run wind sprints and lay off the beer. Use teeth whitener.

Red Brick

15201520 views77 comments33 favs

The child could hear frogs chorusing outside and she wanted to listen only to that. Inside her grandfather gasped for air and she tried to keep her eyes normal as he smiled at her and put the mask back on. She did not want him to see how much she felt like running…

Arturo + Lourdes, 2005 and 4ever

15201520 views44 comments22 favs

Here’s the story as compiled from the scantest of clues: The writing on the back of a stall door in the restroom of a twenty-four hour restaurant under the Gowanus Expressway.

My Old Guy Boyfriend

15201520 views1111 comments44 favs

His coarsely shaking voice, whispering embarrassingly crass old guy things in my ear, will make the blood rush to my young lady parts.

At This Particular Moment

15191519 views1111 comments88 favs

in time there is nothing more important for meto write than this line. It isn't defined in the way you'd like perhaps, but it doesn't matter because it will be true, and you will be true, and I will be the message you get. Some signal has…

Tornado Diary

15191519 views55 comments22 favs

The storm grew in might until it spawned the worst kind of tornado, an F-5 or Finger of God.


15191519 views55 comments11 fav

If, for just a crystal moment, you will submit to being a dove...

The Sky is Simply White

15191519 views1414 comments88 favs

The rain is no terrible epitaph