by Darryl Price
Oh We'll Be Beastly
for the time being.
No one knows when the
final death dart will
come. We only know
that it's already
out there pointing around
for us. They glare
so menacingly
at us dancing so
crazy and so sweet and
it just about unhinges
their broken down
hearts. But we should be
true to the given
moment,too. As children
we can choose within
the moistened bubble
to enjoy the
mixing colors of
our own destruction
by the simple air
we breathe. Some don't have
even that small privilege.
They start out
surrounded by bullets.
Anyway we've still
got each other in
the same picture for
now. We can't help it if we're lucky that way.
The Damned Day Doesn't Even Begin to Take Good Care of Itself
Unless you mean it burns on and on by its own juicy fats.
And what do you care? That's just an annoying cultural sound bite, a
Bite meant to keep the paranoid listeners from discovering
Anything new about their own air. They listen to every little
Thing but they hear nothing. They actually think it will ultimately tell
Them something they don't already know. And of course there are always
Strange new sounds coming out of the most unlikely of distant
Planets. You can't concern yourself with that.Atoms everywhere
Have a right to buzz brightly to the many wet suns that continuously
Soak them in. You've got to breathe, and to dream if possible or not. Let them listen into your dreams.
See where that gets them.Maybe that might wake them up a little to something besides fear of the unknown. Isn't that
The height of silly irony? You dream, they awaken. They'll claim
The dream as their own in the end of that story. Or worst case scenario,
Use them to destroy you in the name of some patriotic nonsensical
Space war of their own sorry making. But we can't stop looking
For the comfortable nest again,the prophesized and unexplained
And beautiful noisemakers of the future present. Because
They alone turn a key in us that didn't even know
It had a lock to be opened. All I'm saying is keep your eyes and ears to the ground.
Whatever you put in a box begins to rot inside,inside of
You as well.Lock or no lock, we've got to spring this thing for those who are coming. Keep a leg out for joy.
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606 words
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It's no good having just the envelope or just the stamp. To have both is to have motion,which is to dance. And to dance of course is to write your presence upon the moment. The sad thing is you can't repeat it exactly. So a poet tries one more time to write it in such a way that it can be operated again by the right hands,it has the potential to delight,perhaps,but more likely to simply remind others that life is in progress always.
This story has no tags.
I don't know how you do what you do but you do. *
"used to/build a quick wet animal out/of nature's constantly changing/ballet." - oh my, darryl. and what meg said. this just rolls like one of those waves, up the beach and at the end of the wave, a person emerges, watery and wild, and just walks on, talking poetry.
Mail and the key words attract me like plumage. Do you know the poetry of J. D. Smith, his collection, Settling for Beauty. The exhaustion of the opening line reminds me. *
Great lines, DP. Good work -
Especially like:
"Oh every now and then
I might still find that puddle to
watch my sorry face in and
that perhaps the rose pasted sky"
Agree with Marcus. Amazing lines, Darryl.
"It's all just
a matter of physics, both real
and imaginary, used to
build a quick wet animal out
of nature's constantly changing
"the rose pasted sky" will stay with me, the whole poem, beautiful.
So very good. Huge love for this. *
The poem fights the exhaustion from which it opens "I have no more beautiful words/to send" -- then produces beautifully of that depletion. I have sent J.D. Smith the link to your poem in the hope that he'll visit your poem. "orange flower cricket"
Lovely imagery in both poems, DP, and I really like the prose piece as well. Once again, I'm struck by your madcap optimism. Cheers!
end jumped by me quicker than an
orange flower cricket on its way
to new morning's bountiful
first opening strains."
Endings do that, don't they? *
Thank you Meg, Marcus, Ann,Sam,Bill, Lou,Kari, Marcelle, and Kim for adding a comment. I'm so thankful and happy that you did!
Such an elegant flow to this Darryl.
'Some other poet's pen must have seemed a more suitable branch to shake blossoms up and down on with the sweet breath of my angel's dreams.' - Beautiful!
Lovely work.