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Your Hair, Your Weight

18391839 views2020 comments99 favs

“Your mother has problems,” he told the kids.

We Have Eskimo Bars

18381838 views1717 comments77 favs

Real men don’t screw around in Canada, he confided to the strawberry blonde sitting beside him at the Houston bar. He’d bought her a couple of beers, and her body language said she was interested.

The Astounding Adventures of Cyril Bright

18381838 views33 comments11 fav

Chap. XI: A Place Beauteous of Which I Dare Not Speak And when I had released the spirit from his worldly prison, he did show to me a way that man does not travel, though travel it I did with him until we should chance to see such things as should never be polaroided (and…

What I find

18371837 views1515 comments1111 favs

is every word is a small step takenaway from you that arcs back to me likea mamba's mouth. I'm not going aroundin place so much as running in circles. You can see my devilry here. You arethe truth here and that makes me the lie. You'renew morning. I'm much, much more…

Arcana Magi - c.5: Will

18371837 views00 comments00 favs

She stood there with ladylike maturity; her eyes were frightening with an unforgiving look, visible in her tears that pierced the very core of Oryn’s heart.


18361836 views2929 comments2323 favs

*** Winner of the 15th Glass Woman Prize. Thank you, Beate Sigriddaughter.

How To Profit As Copper Becomes The New Gold

18351835 views1313 comments1212 favs

We have no more leaders, only rulers who live in another country. I don't ask why my cousin's hand is bandaged, what he's been burning, what's tarped in his truck.

The Underwear Thing

18351835 views66 comments44 favs

Our banter has shifted, like wading from the shallow to the deep end. He taps his foot. “Your underwear reminded me of my grandma’s underwear.”

Down Cellar

18341834 views2323 comments1212 favs

Down cellar, my father showed me where he kept his beer stash. It was in a cubbyhole under the bulkhead, where Mom never thought to look.

The Hole Between Them

18341834 views1212 comments66 favs

Opposite the foothills, on the field's southern edge, was a stand of old eucalyptus trees, each one a gnarled sentry with bark like burnt skin peeling from its trunk.

Steady Keel

18341834 views55 comments22 favs

He stands. Shoes for dashing, and he could dash, if the audience would stand for it, through one of two exits, beneath one of three wreaths. This year, the year of the Millennium, the wreaths seem dark and Germanic. The stage seems like a Great Hall set for a solitary…

Rwanda Suite: Slim

18321832 views2222 comments2020 favs

Paris was a better place for African Americans in those days. Josephine Baker sent a spray of roses. James Baldwin helped him find a good apartment.

Mister Fix-It

18321832 views3939 comments1818 favs

Lined up like ghosts on the front lawn, the second-hand porcelain fixtures had embarrassed her.

Three Poems, One for Each Eye

18321832 views1818 comments1010 favs

1. a bone to pick"It seems to be accepted nowadays more than ever that killing,individual and mass killing,is the order of the day;it is accepted."--Henry MillerWhy can't you leave well enough alone just long enough for it to make its own miraculous escape…

The Last Words of a Genius

18321832 views22 comments11 fav

The crowd gathered around the dying man's bed, waiting for his last words. He was a genius. The most prolific writer and philosopher to ever live. He wiped his ass with the words of Shakespeare. The thoughts of Plato, Socrates, Descartes, and Nietzsche w

Firefly Squids

18321832 views33 comments00 favs

On the fisherman boat, we were told to place the helpless firefly squids in our mouths. I watched cheeks light up like light bulbs and I wondered how barbarism could be so beautiful.

French Vanilla Death - Prima Parte

18321832 views00 comments00 favs

At the time, we only knew that our guest had been lying on the carpet long enough for the coffee spilled on him to have coagulated and almost completely dried, and for the French Vanilla to achieve the consistency of glue. Or, at least, a thicker glue.

Plastic Jesus

18311831 views1313 comments1111 favs

Plastic Jesus wears a crown of thorns. I gesture and say: Does that hurt? He says: What do you mean? so I point at his forehead and his hand goes to it and he says O that

Under Perfect Conditions...

18311831 views3232 comments1616 favs

If when he pulled his lips from mine he didn’t say a word, and if he didn’t try to explain or try to win me with bullshit...

Eager To Please

18301830 views77 comments33 favs

She didn't care for the taste. Slightly salty and sweet at the same time, but she let him come in her mouth just the same

Great Moments in Blindness

18301830 views2626 comments1818 favs

I am complicit in the darkness


18291829 views4040 comments2222 favs

You have arrived at the river, numb with the murmur of the city and the sleeplessness of anger, boredom, and too many people loving too many people too much. The heat in this night, not the moon as in ancient poems, is blazing; the moon is pink like the…


18291829 views5757 comments2727 favs

She sits at home, on the floor of the kitchen, bathing her stuffed animals in molasses to match the ones on the news.

Sex on Other People's Lawns

18291829 views77 comments22 favs

Miss Dolan was different in the way she wore her short, curly hair, and in the way she swung her long, well toned arms as she walked so flawlessly across the classroom.

Albert Walks

18291829 views88 comments55 favs

Albert Walks When Albert walks he is astonished. Ripe fruit falls to the ground at his feet, offering itself. The earth's tremor rumbles, celebratory, through his mended shoes and up his shins. The birds darting through the sky above …

The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson

18281828 views1515 comments1111 favs

Mighta been a fake.

Marie Antoinette's Angel Food Cake Recipe

18281828 views1212 comments1010 favs

honey/she said/with a wink/and a twinkle

The Oscars

18271827 views44 comments66 favs

Her husband goes hard on her. No blushes--he goes hard all over, not just in the assumed area. He could have Blip! disappeared instead, how would his wife have liked that? He has to make a choice, his captors are waiting, they don't have time, that is to…


18271827 views2020 comments1313 favs

"For God's sake," my mother said. "There could be anthrax in the candy." My mother worried about me going out on Halloween.

A Simple Explanation

18261826 views3636 comments1212 favs

You are just another and I am only me. I give you full permission to be everything I don’t want you to be. In fact, I insist.