(one of my early works: an image/text collage, animated in flash. below, the text, but for the real thing, click the link in the author's note.)
moon halo
the days drifted endlessly
dazing us, keeping us away
from the other side
where the unknown waited
still we reached for the sun
side by side, hand in hand
already feeling the cold of the season
that came to embrace us
our dreams got lost
behind gates woven out of stars
all that is left for us now
is the halo of the moon.
- Dorothee Lang, 2004
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96 words
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'moon halo' was published in 'poetic inhalation' in 2004. the journal isn't online any more, but the poem is still online as the flash was included through an extra-page, here the link:
i just did some web digging -- there are some fragments of poetic installation still up in the 'wayback archive', here a link:
so much is revealed by these few words. yet so much more is felt, submerged, with only these 12 lines above the surface being visible
The poem stands on its own and is just lovely. But I admit that I'm taken over completely by the a/v version and I think what it does is enhance the mood and insists that the reader spend some time with the words.
Finny and I were having this conversation about the expansion of text into flash and I think that your piece exemplifies one of the best uses I've seen of multimedia.
awww...i take back i wrote with a poisoned pen about digital pieces too playful for my storytelling heart..this is wonderful. makes me want to go out there and flash it all. your pics, the loop, the text: all good, entrancing in the best possible way. i dub thee luna.
thanks for the feedback, Steve + Susan + Finn!
i think the key to 'moon halo' was that i worked on the lines and the animation parallel, one frame after another.
and reading your words, it moves me to see this piece now being visited again after all this time.
looks like the bitly-link in the author's note sometimes created an error-message. i now switched it.
and for those who are interested in technical details, here a link to the software i used to create 'moon halo':
Adobe Flash -
thank you for posting this, which am just now getting around to viewing--there is a magical feeling, awaiting the flash of the flash of the haloed moon, the sense of absence fills the wait between frames. longing, yes.
"our dreams got lost
behind gates woven out of stars"
BEAUTIFUL. I really enjoyed reading this poem and watching the link.
Very nice moving memory here. Thanks for sharing it. I've been perusing the other blueprint21 works, and appreciate the links as well.
Gary, Drew, Jack: thanks so much for your moon halo feedback.
i really liked this: "the sense of absence". maybe that was another key to the piece, to resist the temptation of adding more effects and images to the flash installation.
This is right where I am right now. Thanks so much. There can never be enough writing about the moon.
i like the corona around this poem.
"gates woven out of stars". i love the imagery in this. well done,doro.