by Steven Gowin
I'm pulling
Twenty pounds of laptop, hard drives
And work junk and
Flexeril and Hydrocodone
For my back
When I
See a blind guy waiting for the
Shuttle to the train but he's
Blocking my path
And I
Want want
Want want only to get
To the car, my back hurts so but
It's only throbbing and will go
Away sometime.
But my
Selfish self wants wants wants
To throttle the bastard in the way
Blind or not; what's wrong
With me?
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(except yer inability to spell hydrocodone...)
No, nothing. It's true.
I inevitably follow fat young women with trackie-dacks and arse-crack and slip on flip-flops and tiny tiny tank tops sloping onto the handles of shopping trolleys full of toddlers and stringy scab-kneed kids and taking up the whole aisle and my better self wants me to be patient and kind and I want to scream and stab.
It's human nature.
The bite of conscience, summed up perfectly here, Steve.
Oh, those crazy blind folks, just getting in the way of people with *important* things to do.
" my back hurts so but
It's only throbbing and will go
Away sometime."
A clinical view: Flexeril and hydrocodone I think can cause irritability. Chronic back pain can cause irritability. It's not you, it's your condition. Hopefully, it will pass.
Keep the women and children away from platform...
confession is good for the soul.
Enjoyable piece, Steven. Real stuff. *
Flexeril, my friend.
Agree with Foster - Real. Makes rub my lower back.
"But my
Selfish self wants wants wants
To throttle the bastard in the way
Blind or not; what's wrong
With me?"
Nice writing, Steve.
My aches and pains are always worse than yours...right?*
The pain pills will make you mean. They always have me.
Oh, I forgot -
And their little dogs too!!!
Yes, very true - the little subtext about the pills, having taken both - they are supposed to relax, relieve pain, even to the point of dependency - to the point you'd run over your own mother to get to them. Not a wonderful state, but there it is. Well done.
fav *
good stuff.*
Fine work. Glad the poem-ego took those hydros. The original love drug. I've never had the experience myself, but anecdotal accounts report similar tales of enlightenment. I mean, without the hydros, maybe the poem-ego WOULD have acted out on his anger and frustration. Seriously, though: well and economically told.