by Sian Barbara Allen
for E.
Famished I met you
and even hungrier after
rising and rising the
chart of a serious fever.
I wrote you a letter each day of the summer
but I only mailed one because you
can't talk about hunger.
I came back and saw you
and I doubled over with longing
I kissed you and kissed you
and thought I'd go crazy, this hunger
was making me cry in all of my classes
so I went up to Berkeley to learn to better my Gaelic.
On the corner of Telegraph and Bancroft
waiting for taxis
I saw you get out of a car.
I ran after you joyous
only to wake up in the Zoological Building
so I thought I would go to a priest
and ask about hunger.
I went to a mass at Saint Mary Margaret's
in Oakland
and found myself in the confessional
Father, Sir, I said
I have a terrible hunger
"Are you calling me Sir?" he asked
"You know Father's just fine."
Sir Father I said I'm fainting I'm just really starving
"A physical hunger?" he asked and then I
was silent
"A spiritual hunger?"
I realized that I shouldn't be there.
I've got to go write a letter thank you I said as I left him
"Do you live in the parish?"
No, I'm renting Naomi's apartment.
Naomi's dissertation was called
"The Settlement of Paraguayan Jews in the South Bay".
She had bones that I had to dust
on all of her tables.
And I wrote you two letters each day of the summer
but I only mailed one because you
can't talk about hunger.

Holy God, this is incredible, Sian. Every word is right. It is my favorite of all so far, and they have all been so wonderful, but this one won't stop being hungry for more reads, and so I keep reading it.
A favorite, Sian. Your verse tells a sad story beautifully. I think you should consider posting your work here more often.
I like the detail of two letters, but only mailing one. Very evocative. *
Felt this deeply.*
This is so many things at once: all wonderful and all
unexpected. *