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Apples to Apples

13881388 views44 comments22 favs

“Honey, remember when we used to take you out to pick apples.” A sweet trickle of sound shattered the force field of silence that divided the front and the back seats of the dark blue Honda CR-V. Juliana’s only response was to change her focus from the w

Winter Hawk Jack

13881388 views22 comments11 fav

Jack, man in black, sporting manicured talons, his smile an iced knife.

Dick Be Gone

13881388 views33 comments22 favs

One thing about being a musician—more specifically a drummer—struggling against the cost of living—more specifically the cost of living in the Bay Area—is that I will do just about anything to earn money.

No Nows Now

13881388 views55 comments55 favs

. . . did you notice yesterday afternoon how for an entire quarter hour five o’clock itself looked for a few minutes as if it would never arrive?

what are our motives

13881388 views1010 comments88 favs

Do you think that’s a good idea, you said. Sure, I said, as the men coiled up the anaconda and put it in a second truck that had arrived. You don’t think anyone will wonder what our motives are?

The Laughing Grave

13881388 views1010 comments77 favs

Newhouse returned his gaze to his wet palm, which he lifted to his nose with suspicion, sniffed again and again, then struggled to move out from under the growing stream.

If we thought that love was gone

13881388 views66 comments22 favs

If we thought that love was gone that out of sweetness none remained


13871387 views11 comment11 fav

Not everybody sees Father. Not Mom, not Dad, not even my little brother, Andre, and he see lots of things. Me, I need to.

Detroit: I'm Emotionally Invested

13871387 views55 comments44 favs

I grew up in Detroit, and even though I haven't lived there since I was 18, I'm still a Michigander at heart. I'm also a (retired) bankruptcy attorney.You can probably tell where this is going. I own a Detroit municipal bond. It's a sewer bond, which means…

What To Believe

13871387 views1515 comments88 favs

Being simple like this, knowing a thing is done by doing.


13871387 views1717 comments99 favs

Can you find happiness in the middle of a kidney stone attack?

The Diet of Worms

13871387 views66 comments44 favs

He had stared at the back of his neck for so long that images of his nape flashed into view randomly throughout the day like interfering signals from a station just out of reach, DESIRE CHANNEL, or something, reminding him of his skewed priorities, his fa

The Illuminated Dream

13871387 views11 comment11 fav

It broke through the surface of the suburban world and shattered it into pieces, fragments of dreams and amazement. She was not the same as she had been a moment before. It was an epiphany she couldn't put her finger on.


13871387 views1919 comments1111 favs

Don't fall to sleep.

Sad Songs

13871387 views1313 comments1212 favs

She was thrilled when she learned that her best friend was having an affair.

The Graduate

13871387 views1414 comments1212 favs

A sweet fog rises to the rafters. Inhale.

In the Red

13871387 views2121 comments1919 favs

The younger woman asked Scott if he loved Jesus.

Hoss Men (continued)

13871387 views66 comments44 favs

"Fax the Beaver" was its last, secret title. The beaver is a dirty trick, and it belongs on the index card.

Me And My Liberal Friends

13861386 views77 comments77 favs

“Thank God The Yogurt Store Was Open!”. I knew this would cause cynics to seethe about me and my #FirstWorldProblems. While those less with the times or from many years of vanilla ancestry, might become racist themselves, indicating that I was suffering f

On a bridge in Regensburg

13861386 views66 comments44 favs

To hear my name, called out across the Roman stones on a bridge in Regensburg through the languid March drizzle, was to breathe again as my head burst through the water.


13861386 views77 comments44 favs

Things aren't going to get better are they? Would you like a sugar cube? No. Are you sure? I put acid on it. Oh, well yes, I guess then. Cool. Things might get better for a little bit then. Or horribly worse. Ha. Awesome. They taste like an orgasm…

Sad News

13861386 views00 comments00 favs

They got out wearing their crisp brown Army jackets and khaki pants; she saw the cross on the lapel of the officer's shirt and just knew. These men brought sad news from faraway places.

Your Boredoms

13861386 views1111 comments1010 favs

Your boredoms are not my fascinations. Your boredoms Belong to the ice caves with the Mammoths, Although haven't they been tortured enough by the Changing winds? Your boredoms are far from twinkling Objects in the beaks of ancient crows,…

The Distance of Advice

13861386 views44 comments44 favs

She has a mercenary way of doing business and she's pretty shrewd. I make her stand outside to smoke her cigarette. I stay inside watching her stance as she violently tugs at the barrel, tearing every ounce of smoke out of it, then stamping it out as I wo

The Counter Where Names Go To Die

13861386 views2121 comments1818 favs

One day a woman, one of several translators at Ellis Island, asks him why he has changed a passenger’s name from Checzowicz to something else. “The name was too long,” he says. “Ten letters.” She replies, “But you didn’t change O’Shaughnessy, and it has

Things That Glow

13861386 views1010 comments99 favs

The tiny green light flashing in the lawn of an apartment building one night that caught Roberta’s attention while we were walking home from Café Vita.

January 2, 2012

13861386 views1414 comments88 favs

You always complained that Christmas/ ruined your birthday/ sister.

I Like it This Way

13861386 views1717 comments77 favs

Through its branches we saw a couple. Teenagers, narrow and pale, two young birch trees, their roots twisted, submerged in the water.

Too Quiet on the Carpet

13851385 views44 comments11 fav

I've seen the pinch marks. It can't be worth it.

Missing Letter

13851385 views1515 comments1010 favs

It's so far to get to where we aren't inthe way of someone's destructive progress.I'm only walking in my own gardensnow, but the big blue house is like an emptiedout envelope. I guess that makes this themissing letter. I don't know your heart's newaddress, but I once…