Ugh I never ever ever know what to say here. I'm an on again off again college student trying very hard to get my Education degree and do something with my life. There's nothing more rewarding than being able to say you've touched someone's life... helped mold them into the person they'll later become. I have a lot of respect for the teachers I had as a child, and I'd like to "pay it forward."
I'm the type of girl who dreams of her wedding with her Prince Charming, being whisked away to the honeymoon destination she's always wanted to see, then spends a few months barefoot and pregnant. (But not permanantly, I'm still going to have my career. Balance. Ommmmmmm.)
Challenges with set deadlines. I work best under pressure, and have gotten most of my writing done during NaNoWriMo.
I credit Lois Lowry with fueling my love for dystopian novels (with her novel The Giver - I keep meaning to read its loose sequels, Gathering Blue and Messenger). Because I loved that book so much, I later read Aldous Huxley's Brave New World (twice!), Sarah Hall's Daughters of the North, and have George Orwell's 1984 in my to read pile.
... I have a genre.
No one has written on Amika Malone's wall.
No one has written on Amika Malone's wall.