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23142314 views3030 comments1717 favs

One of my father’s friends never had a name so everyone called him Dickey Dew because he said that’s what everyone called him after he got his balls shot off in Vietnam. I used to sit on his lap while they played five card draw and he would pretend no


13801380 views3939 comments1515 favs

If I had been a cat you probably would have kept me forever, even with an incurable disease. I think about that every time I clean the litter pan, especially late at night.

Not That Kind of Pain

15881588 views2222 comments2121 favs

What kind of pain is it?

ANYONE but Shakespeare

15351535 views88 comments66 favs

Shakespeare was Shakespeare, after all, the greatest poet the language has ever boasted: why did Shakespeare’s contemporaries even bother with their paltry efforts?

Holy Week

16011601 views3232 comments2020 favs

one day I will take you / to Grenada

I Love Us

31363136 views1616 comments1313 favs

I'd kill a gas attendant in Playa Del Mar. You'd read stained romance novels in motel rooms, while I oiled the gun and laughed on the phone, to no one.

You Can Remain Anonymous

16531653 views2323 comments1818 favs

a poem about an abduction in my NYC neighborhood

Only in America

17311731 views2828 comments1919 favs

Mullah Omar was quoted as saying that “America will fall to the ground.” The extinction of America will come about if God is willing.

Pink Fuzzy Bunny Slippers

32443244 views1818 comments44 favs

I’m not sure if it’s Punkin or her pink fuzzy bunny slippers that I love.

Sock me in the stomach until I forget it. Down, down, baby. Down by the roller coaster.

20632063 views2727 comments1919 favs

She wants to be an apple on a stick, a mop and handle, a brain attached to bones.

Wishing Fountain

14441444 views2626 comments2020 favs

People go through life all the time with only one kidney, or with some of their female-parts removed.

Anything Again

20412041 views2626 comments1717 favs

...she lifts one shell, sips a little, then swallows the creature whole.

The Player

15711571 views1919 comments1010 favs

He played real good But never looked At no one Strong guitar Weak knees

Baby Love

27702770 views1919 comments1313 favs

She wanted one, she said. She wanted one who looked like me. I wanted one, because I wanted her. I wanted her for everything; I wanted her to fill every crack and space inside of me.

Every Time a Fairy Gets Laid

1032110321 views4949 comments1313 favs

Once, when I fucked Tinkerbell, thirty glowing lights sprang to life in the dark static air of the by-the-hour motel room. They were new fairies I'd brought to life with each thrust. "I feel like someone's watching," I said, unsure I could continue, but Tink said,…

Moth Woman

24732473 views3434 comments1414 favs

I sat on the top step and watched the woman go down and stand in the middle of the room, raising her hands as if to touch them and I half expected the moths to lift the ends of her hair, the hem of her skirt, and fly away with her.


17101710 views2121 comments2020 favs

She watched an inky cloud suck all the color / from the trees.

A Sonnet for Anna

15181518 views3030 comments2020 favs

Toting a sawed-off shotgun at the altar

Summer Circa 1960

13781378 views2626 comments2121 favs

A latch key boy, free/ to do the stupidest things-- like jumping// off the carport roof clutching a homemade/ flying machine that couldn’t fly

My Other Mother is a Ferrari

22642264 views1616 comments99 favs

******WARNING: Long-ass story****** Click at your own risk.

French Kiss

19281928 views2424 comments1717 favs

The date began badly...

Eat Drink Grow

16511651 views2020 comments1818 favs

Can you see me dying? 'Not quite', Said Mummy, 'because it happens Very slowly all the time.

Rattlesnake Pancakes

15931593 views2424 comments2020 favs

I don't usually take bets, / but I took this one.

Searching for Samuel Beckett

15811581 views4242 comments1818 favs

At the Cimitiere Montparnasse he offers the girl his raincoat. I'm searching for Samuel Beckett, he says, and holds an umbrella over her as she consults her map. We're close, she says, pointing. I'll go with you. Then we can visit Simone de Beauvoir. My name is Scarlet.…


17501750 views2323 comments1919 favs

He and I are still and somber at the kitchen table. We’re both wearing black and stare at each other through blood-shot eyes. The children’s thumps echo on the ceiling above. I think about the other family’s children.


13911391 views3333 comments1515 favs

To envy faith, to envy love --// is there a fate more hateful? Choices/ scatter like stars. Too many.


90269026 views2323 comments2121 favs

We all got married — Suzanne, and Virginia, and I — and it was all we ever wanted to be at the time.

Old Vibrations

16011601 views2323 comments2020 favs

There's always a sound, something triggering the fear.


17081708 views2828 comments1717 favs

If you outlive me, she said, it won't be because I smoke but because of what you put me through when you quit.


171171 views2121 comments2020 favs
