by Tim G. Young
He played real good
But never looked
At no one
Strong guitar
Weak knees
And the melody
Bounced off the tv
While bar people
Stared at their phones
The beer made shallow
In the tall glasses
He told me a story
About his mom
And a corvette
From the eighties
Crazy in Oklahoma
Drunk and police
And I know it was all true
Meanwhile the pool shooter
Sunk the 8 ball
And the bartender
Spilled the drink
And the glass broke
Smashed on the floor
A table of loud mouths
Left without leaving a tip
Crowding around the door
So I ordered one more
Adjusted the hat
On my head
And wiped the smudge
Off the lenses of my glasses
Then he began
The Redemption song
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I like this--can smell the stale beer.
Great correspondence between sound and sense.
Stale beer all around! Thanks to Mathew, Gary and Jerry.
*I think this might be a guy poem, but I purely love it.
You may be right, Nonnie. Thanks.
That's right, Bill. Thanks!
Good stuff!
Thank you, Kitty.
Love the voice--"And I know it was all true." I believe that.
Much appreciated, Dianne.
Do like.
Many thanks, Steven.
*. Tim. Yes.
*, Tim. Yes.
hi David. Thanks so much.
"Cause all I ever have
Redemption songs
Redemption songs
Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery
None but ourselves can free our minds
Have no fear for atomic energy
'Cause none of them can stop the time"
Loved watching "The beer made shallow in the tall glasses."
Thank you, Carl. I just saw this.