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The Perils of Open Hand

12831283 views22 comments22 favs

There are worse things than getting your ass kicked by a 12 year old Puerto Rican kid. This was exactly my thinking as he stood over me, his pre-pubescent screams sounding like a baby Bruce Lee, preparing to finish me off.


17161716 views88 comments88 favs

But we tell them to each other. We feel we are riding on a boat in the well. That is our secret. We aren't. We know we aren't.

"Cary" Me Home

11691169 views11 comment22 favs

"Would you mind if she took your empty seat?" The stewardess said. "She has a phobia." "Oh." Archie's dimpled chin fell, then a smile broke above it. "Not at all."

1987, What I wanted

15131513 views1212 comments55 favs

I wanted to watch, for as long as I could, until my innocence, like balloons, disappeared from view.


12111211 views88 comments55 favs

My grandmother is magnificently breasted in her floor-length nightgown.

Three Questions on Distance Running

10601060 views99 comments55 favs

Do you see the hot coals of doing? The way time sizzles or wilts…eat those coals.

Paradise Island

12781278 views1010 comments88 favs

A man comes out of the waves

Give Me Back My Albert Hall

10681068 views00 comments00 favs

“Now, “Pour Some Sugar on Me” is a hit of the eighties.”

The Unlucky Thirteen

11601160 views00 comments00 favs

They were working on the factory floor when they died, the auspices of mayhem filtering out to a host of ravens gleaning the neighboring fields. Clouds of them fled the scene around the time of the incident turning the day into twilight…

The End of the Gig

865865 views00 comments00 favs

His throat had turned red after a few days of singing, and when he looked in the mirror he saw little sacs of white pus, like pimples, in the back of his mouth. “You got to pace yourself,” the big black woman who sang at the other beer garden told him.

A Traitor of the Better Kind

15201520 views1313 comments1313 favs

Go ahead, boy, pout like a fool.

The Infinite Monkey Theorem

17821782 views00 comments00 favs

Yahweh’s a betting deity, as bad as Lucifer at times. If you don’t believe me, look at the duck-billed platypus. Yahweh lost that time. So did the duck, but that’s another story.

Elite Arts Group Names Steve Miller 1st Rock Member

10431043 views00 comments00 favs

Miller exclaimed "Somebody give me a cheeseburger!"--a line from one of his hits--and members of the Academy broke out in knowing if subdued laughter.

No Rocks On This End

952952 views00 comments00 favs

Take a flying leap?Mother would never agreeSo away from the campground we sneakTo show the boy where I was a boySummer day shirtless with swimsuits onOne hundred degrees walking through the treesThe season early with winter runoffWater here still seventy feet deepHoping the…


17601760 views1212 comments1010 favs

1. The clouds and the shadows of the clouds. The early light, like the night undressing herself revealing pink beneath, underneath the glory and the intimacy like early love made of arms only arms fingers and…

Mercury Unbound - 3

14271427 views88 comments44 favs

I've been mostly positive since joining up with Sister Helen. My previous pessimism involved spiritual degeneration, moral decline and decay, weak and weary instincts. I clung to life, afraid to die. Then I read something by Nietzsche, I'm not sure where but, like a seed,…

If a Gun is Introduced, it Must Eventually Fire

12951295 views1313 comments77 favs

His note said: “I’m sick of low attendance.”

The Legend of Bo Grass

13791379 views00 comments00 favs

Bo ruled the city by suggesting new scent formulas in a booming croak of a voice that shook the earth for acres around, yet as a result everybody on the block smelled like fairy breath. Or, on his BAD BREATH DAYS all of the people reeked of rotted sushi f

What I told the police the morning after

11231123 views44 comments11 fav

Miracles don’t happen to the poor.


18951895 views4545 comments1717 favs

she waits

they are light

817817 views00 comments00 favs

They are light, their souls, yours among them. And women who seduce you should understand that, and use their bodies carefully, so that you are unharmed by the night that is filled with them. The beautiful youth who would turn their flower as if you wer

Everything Has Been Arranged (or, Chamomile Tea at Ten Thousand Feet)

10661066 views22 comments00 favs

The building ejects my condominium like an enormous videocassette.


25842584 views7474 comments3939 favs

That's what these companies do: swallow you whole and spit you out.


12361236 views33 comments22 favs

The moment I was told of your passing...

Berthier Door

15291529 views44 comments33 favs

On Day 1122 at 4:14 AM the door which has remained since installation firmly glued to the masonry behind opens and a man emerges blinking shielding his eyes against fine stinging snow.

What Do You Mean, You Don't Sell Pigs Feet?

13351335 views22 comments11 fav

“Excuse me–where are the pig’s feet?”

Boy In

791791 views00 comments00 favs

If it were certainly troubleThe light would shine through a bubble---I add the s, a “must confess”If I'm blowing you up with anger. Do deliverhigh fives, or two fingers towards the skyThe rest in a depression (the little blues)Will do. To carry you on my arms,…

Paper House

14941494 views1010 comments88 favs

Because if they’re wavering, it's about the coin, always about the coin.

Filth and Splendor: A Love Story

12321232 views00 comments00 favs

Solomon just makes people leak. Literally.

"A Death by the Sea" (excerpt)

12221222 views11 comment11 fav

Then a flicker caught my eye. To the left of the balcony, where the residential high-rise abutted a commercial building to its right, a shape--half-dark, half-lit--stood on a limestone ledge.