They grow as we grow
those secrets
don't leave yet
much more to learn
they don't tell
Why should they?
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A splendid question mark in the fabric of the hidden.
Mysterious and hidden, I like this a lot Miss E~
Good compression here, Estelle. Marvelous opening line.
so glad you found it mysterious Beate, Susan thanks and Sam as always glad you liked it
Good question. An enigmatic masterpiece. *
so glad you found it mysterious. Thanks Jack.
"They grow as we grow" - what a great line,it could be used in so many situations, and you used it perfectly here. I really like this little piece, Estelle. *
Foster, so glad you liked that first line. Thanks for telling me.
Estelle, talk about pared down, you really nail the essence of this like a bulls-eye (sorry for the sports metaphor!) I am a fan! Fave.
I love your bulls-eye comment.
You are a really nice guy.
Outstanding and so much said in so few words!!1 Not a small feat!!1 ****
The promise of knowing keep growing. Wonderful poem.
so glad you liked it Mykell.