It's early evening
they keep coming
what drives them here?
Is it the healing sun
the seagulls
boats docked for the night.
The water is still too cold
but the kids don't notice
they run in and out
splashing and laughing.
I sit in my car on the dock
and I think about the seagulls.
Where do they get their drinking water?
Then I remember they do drink sea water
but their bodies
expell the salt through their sea nostrils.
Isn't God smart, he has taken care of
I leave joyfully.
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beach goer
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You capture a magic moment, Estelle. Not a word wasted. Glorious ending. Fav.
Jack, that is some lovely comment and a fav??? wow.
thanks so much
A beautiful poem. Very evocative and spiritual. I loved it.
Miles, I certainly am happy you found my poem so nice and spiritual. Thank you hon.
I read joyfully your pleasant interlude.
I'm so happy you read my little story joyfully.
thanks so much
Ms. E~ I Love this poem!!!
well that sure makes me happy Susan.
There's something magical about this one, Estelle. I feel like I'm floating when I read it, it takes me places. *
Foster, guess we are on the same wave length. I too feel something lovely when I watch those gulls fly and play and wait for the master one before they eat anything I leave.
So many thanks.
I drift out into the universe from your words, and feel so upifted! A lovely fave!
Robert, so nice this uplifted you. Many thanks
Something we all hopefully get to experience personally. If not, this poem will bring you there. Wonderful job, Estelle.
I do hope you will experience this sometime. Happy it brings you there.
Good poem, Estelle.
Love this part:
"Isn't God smart, he has taken care of / everything"
yes Bill, I agree, God is smart.
thanks for the comment.
I want sea nostrils. *
ok Christopher. Will talk to God about giving you some salt glands, then maybe you can fly high with the sea turtles.
thanks for the fav.
Very cool. *
thank you James, glad you liked it.
aww. this brought some peace to the pieces of my soul tonight: i needed it. thank you, estelle, marvelous, imaginative, powerful.
Marcus you have made my day. trying to put a new phone in is driving me nuts. I needed your kind comment, its given me peace today.
This is so beautiful I wish I could fav it again.
but I can't...
This is great! I love the conversational tone with the philisophical overtone, or vice versa... Love it!
Susan and Jen, so glad you found this poem with so many nice overtones.
thanks to you both
A good poem, Estelle. Wonderful form here. I like your approach to the lines. *
many thanks Sam. Nice to hear from you
I love the water being too cold but the kids don't notice. i love the joy.
yes Beate, kids will go in no matter what the temp is.
thanks for commenting
Good imagery in this piece. Nice work.
sorry it took so long to thank you. Thanks a whole lot.