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Doreen - III

14491449 views1818 comments33 favs

Male genitals were usually portrayed diminutively in classical art. After forty minutes in a drafty room without cloths on, I was beginning to understand why.

1975: What I Wanted

14491449 views66 comments44 favs

I wanted my sister to not be in that box. I wanted my parents to laugh again. I wanted my friends to actually be my friends and not call me hurtful names behind my back. I wanted my awful cousin to have never come into my room in the middle of the night. I…


14491449 views00 comments11 fav

Andrew didn’t need oil and neither did his mother. In fact, the only reason oil was on his mother’s mind was because it was the last thing on her mind. He did not get up to get it, and she did not protest.

Our Love Is Enough

14491449 views1414 comments88 favs

To stop the world from explodingLike Krypton. It has to be.Like purple flowers we're there on Burnt battlefields. It raises its flag, Too, and continues the march towardThe dreaming sun in spite ofAll the smoke and ash thisWorld has to offer. Our…

Keep Chopping

14481448 views2222 comments1515 favs

Bessie Bighead is real good at being crazy. It's all the experience she's had.

Beachball, Kentucky

14481448 views44 comments22 favs

If you’re Frederick in this moment, you are watching from that balcony and start to scream your fool head off. Maybe you just think you scream, and you might have screamed, but what you really do is clutch at your chest, black dots spanning each eyeball,

Girl Four

14481448 views66 comments33 favs

She followed the husband. He headed north on seventy two for twelve miles, turned off at exit eighty seven b, slowed, turned, backed into a spot at a convenience store slash gas station, lights on, engine running. Precisely twenty seven minutes by her count,…


14481448 views99 comments55 favs

So, I rough her up with sand paper, and hit her with chains, making dents. She examines her surfaces, tidily and efficiently, indicating the spots most in need of filling in with scratches and scrapes.

Kitty Love

14481448 views1111 comments88 favs

Our next door neighbor is in love with his cat. His wife sits in our kitchen crying her eyes out.

The Color of Warm and Cold

14481448 views55 comments11 fav

Sandra exits her bedroom wearing a bikini. It’s celadon green, though brighter, ‘SW#6705 High Strung’, I’d say. A saturated splash of yellow overtakes its straps.


14481448 views1818 comments1717 favs

One day my wife got so mad at me she raked her fingernails down my face.

Tinges of Envy or How You Learn

14481448 views99 comments55 favs

Acknowledge that your primary creative ambition until this point has been to think of a plausible word for male-lover-friend that is not overly significant or obsolete like husband and boyfriend.


14481448 views00 comments00 favs

If anyone should wonder whether a purveyor of weekly ghost tales on television ("A World Beyond", which I host, was rated number six in fall of '55), might come to feel undone by a case of extradimensional foulness, they shall herein find their answer.

Baby Carrot

14481448 views1010 comments55 favs

In my choppings, I come across a tiny carrot amidst the baby carrots. The runt if you will.

Zhou Yu’s Train

14471447 views1010 comments55 favs

Are we like a poem, a short hand of words curtained together, evoking a mood, but in the end, impenetrable? We follow the clues to our lover's heart and what we find isn't him at all but ourselves. We fill every part of his life, every part of his past and even become…

King of the Mountain

14471447 views66 comments55 favs

Daniel told himself to push. -- push harder than he'd ever pushed himself before. He reminded himself of what his father once told him: don't give in to pain. Be a real man. You can take it.

Like Jeremy Irons

14471447 views33 comments22 favs

Usually, you shop around carefully before condescending to see a new doctor, but this time you go to the first gynecologist who would have you, who has time available. Usually, you refuse to see a male doctor (you hate having male doctors!) but this time,

Automatic Writing: A Cure for Writer's Block?

14471447 views33 comments22 favs

Knocked off around noon, drank some retsina, checked Olympics results. Can’t find Medea’s motivation. Why would she kill her kids?

Unintended Consequences

14471447 views2121 comments1212 favs pile into your Mercury and barrel down the street, the air smells like sea, the night goes forever...

Picturing Utrillo

14471447 views1515 comments1212 favs

Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder.

Billie Holiday Visits Her Song

14471447 views44 comments44 favs

Why you keep a razor blade in your stocking?

The Deepest Cut

14471447 views77 comments33 favs

Smoke is pouring outta my ears! (And outta my mouth and nostrils, but that's normal.) The Fast-o-matic Supermart has changed their coupons. Now you can't swap them for plastic surgery. So all those tubes of New Orleans-style Cottil-i-Lard dog sausage…


14471447 views1010 comments44 favs

He got up to the pulpit and said that he thought he might have made a mistake. I will never forget the desperate look on his face. He recalled being at his Ivy League school and wondering just what he was interested in upon his graduation and what would b

Zombies Calling

14471447 views11 comment22 favs

The zombie apocalypse was long foretold as a rather exciting bit of bother involving shotguns and chainsaws, but the reality of it is rather depressingly boring.

Rock On

14471447 views2525 comments1212 favs

...fancy the idea of tapas, Spain an' all.

The Oddest Thing Ever Found in a Pocket

14471447 views88 comments22 favs

On an October day in 1909 Mrs. Prudence O'Kannady, industrious wife of Mr. Joseph Patrick O'Kannady of Corn Falls, Nebraska, discovered, while sorting clothing for the wash, in the pocket of a set of dungarees belonging to her youngest son Rufus, a tiny human head. When…


14461446 views22 comments22 favs

She would have moved on to the next guy in the next bar, the one who looked like danger on a stick.

A Question of Choice

14461446 views2020 comments1010 favs

The contrast can be summed up in a sip.

Sugarfoot Pond

14461446 views1313 comments1111 favs

i was jus countin' your heartbeats, Emmie and you know what? i think they's the same as mine!

We are the rising

14461446 views33 comments00 favs

I’m sick of you headless muffuckas searching for a facelift.