by Ann Bogle
Menopause was considered to have occurred—if it was naturally timed—after an eccentric white suburban woman gynecologist had entered my uterus to remove a polyp. She did not quell my concern, related to my status as a diagnosed white mental case on Disability, that Jasmin with the Jamaican-sounding woman's name, a physician's assistant in the even further west suburbs, who exhibited a dirty look during a long-ago exam, dropping the speculum an unbelievable seven times, might have managed to insert an I.U.D. without my knowledge or permission, possibility only verifiable by x-ray or ultrasound, proofs not offered. My suspicion was delayed and unfounded, except that women on welfare not due to mental diagnosis had received Depo-Provera shots at the doctor's office unawares, as reported in the newspaper.
My fears ought to have been assuaged by the gynecologist, rather than opened up to grow. I mention that the gynecologist was eccentric, partly because I liked that about her, but also because she might have believed she didn't show it. She might have hoped to pass for normal. I mention her whiteness because as a liberal she might seek to privilege her unmet black colleague in the health field rather than her patient in her body. Pregnancy is covered as disease.
One's reproductivity seems essential to human life and rights. Ironically, it was in the same town where the P.A. had penetrated me where our group of girls had learned about sexual health at a teen clinic. The speculum fired from my loins and each time fell to the tile floor, as if the P.A. were intently “seeing fucking” as well as poking sneakily to sterilize me. Jah-B, the steel drum player I had met described in "Oh, baby," and who had asked me to bear his baby, lived in a small artist enclave on nearby Christmas Lake.
My test scores and grades placed me in the top one hundred or so eleventh graders in the U.S. in 1979, my math aptitude slightly higher in a verbally-weighted test.
I choose not to relate all the real bad that passed in longer-ago abstinent Madison in this account of the maybe bad that happened in nearer-to-now inland Excelsior. When I give up the right to spare the city and its readers in my writing, it will go as forgotten time.
I describe mine as uterine-based hysteria or Sex Test.
Misogyny is the rotten part of a fruit, trim it and spare the fruit or discard the fruit. Girls hot now for misogyny forget women's parts in it. Women would do well to lust after feminism as a valley in human rights, a fecund valley there, the assertive one amid anti-human -isms.
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474 words
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Appears along with eight other stories in a group called "In Audience," _Connotation Press_, Robert Clark Young, Ed., Issue II, Volume VII, November 2015.
Related posts on Ana Verse:
"Oh, baby!"
"...after an eccentric white suburban woman gynecologist had entered my uterus to remove a polyp."
I may rejoin Fictionaut. Will you promise to be here?
You provide brutally persuasive evidence of abuse, but was it misogyny or of general contempt for people on welfare? Probly some of both. *
I would suspect one should have a protective paranoia when someone is messing around in their womb with sharp tools.
"eccentric white suburban woman gynecologist" has a ring of terror, MD as cover for female Mr Hyde.
I once asked the playwright and jazz saxophonist, Archie Shepp, why he always dressed in a three piece suit when he performed. He told me, if play as far out as I do, you need the veracity of a suit and tie.
The IUD case sounds like something out of Burroughs' Dr Benway, performing an appendectomy with a tuna can lid.
A horror story of the most frightening kind.
Included new paragraph, 2:42 p.m., 6/12/2014, in story.
Thanks, Meg, do return!
Matthew, thanks for considering my words as reflecting evidence of something having occurred. I much appreciate it.
Thanks, Dan.
"Misogyny is the rotten part of a fruit, trim it and spare the fruit or discard the fruit." - a dark, true read. Good writing, Ann. Like is not the correct response for me - need to read is. *
Nobody comes close to this stuff. This stuff is 100 proof.
love the passive construction of the opening to a piece that is anything but passive *
You are probably the only writer in St. Louis Park who has ever titled a poem Uterus. *
Wonderful readers, feeling fagged and lost for a day after brushing these subjects, came back to find your comments!
*Thanks for writing and sharing this, Ann.
Brief edits, 4:55 a.m., June 24, 2014. This and the previously written "Fertility" linked above will appear within the month in Luna Luna magazine.
"The real bad" and "the maybe bad" choosing not to relate, it becomes more relatable.*
Thanks for the comment, Sara.
Punctuation, 10/30/2014, 11:04 a.m. CDT