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Can Bone-Munching Zombie Worms Help Fight Childhood Obesity?

11521152 views11 comment11 fav

President Kennedy’s national physical fitness program tried to reverse the incoming tide of obesity, but for many it was too late.

Traveling Lightheaded

11521152 views44 comments11 fav

He lit my cigarette even though he didn't want me to smoke. Buying me drinks all night, he didn't complain, but he thought I drank too much.

Texas Weather Triptych

11521152 views1313 comments88 favs

I worry for the daffodils/ and there optimistic yellow bursts./ I worry for the over-eager clover,// prodigious green on crepe myrtles,/ even for the early green of nut grass.

Gods Sense of Humor (April Fools Challenge)

11521152 views1010 comments11 fav

I wonder, God. Do you sit around and play with the universe like it was your Wii? Or your Farmville? Or maybe your little iphone app? I mean, really. Did it ever occur to you that the little men, women and children on your screen actually bleed? Do you think…

Winter '69

11521152 views00 comments00 favs

One minute Rudy was sitting up close to me, asking me how could Geppetto make a little boy out of a piece of wood, and the next, Steve was pounding up the stairs, yelling, "Carla, get blankets, warm clothes; we're leaving, we won't be back."

Déjà Vu Sur l’Herbe

11521152 views55 comments55 favs

While watching the ever-present crowds passing by on my insides, I noticed, by accident, a man smiling who might have been me, not sure. Maybe I’m eating soap for the first time, because I am either frothing or foaming at the mouth. An

Some Splendor In Some Grass

11521152 views99 comments77 favs

As they lay in the pasture on a warm summer's afternoon, with the sky blue, the sun shining, he looked across at her, peacefully asleep by his side. How he loved her. Their year together had been one of joy and happiness.He idly nibbled on a blade of grass, remembering the…

Driving Lesson

11521152 views66 comments77 favs

Just take the mountain curves as tightly to the inside and as fast as surface conditions permit and the road’s edge

Family Happenings

11521152 views66 comments44 favs

Saturday afternoons: tartan blanket spread on the pebble beach, transistor radio hissing static, fish paste sandwiches and seagulls. Why fish paste, Mum? She didn't dare ask.

I Ask You, Erin it fair?

11521152 views22 comments22 favs

In the privacy of a booth?

Abecedarian inspired by Bill Yarrow

11521152 views77 comments66 favs

Despite what the bible says, Shadrach and Meshach had no third brother named Abednego. To pay for his cello lessons, Yo-Yo Ma worked the subways of New York as a busker. Just chill. After Sal went into witness protection, he yearned for a job at the art…

Nine Elephants and an Ass

11521152 views77 comments55 favs

Nine sated elephants and an ass sit around a decimated Thanksgiving table discussing the state of the union over the hacked to bits carcass of a twenty-three pound turkey. Two years in to The Great Communicator's Lame Duck term and the nine elephants, whose…

Stretch Marks

11521152 views11 comment11 fav

Stretch marks part my heart, stretch marks part my body.

The Meeting

11511151 views55 comments55 favs

When he leans back from the telescope through which he had been looking, he sports a derby and a Hercule Poirot moustache.

The Assassination of Sadat

11511151 views99 comments88 favs

Just beyond the corkscrew slide / the President of Egypt was bleeding to death


11511151 views1111 comments55 favs

I enjoyed the talking part though rambling on and on for lord knows why or how

A Speck of Light

11511151 views33 comments33 favs

That’s true, you know, what they said about the drummer and spontaneous combustion.

So Twinkle Made Lemonade

11511151 views1111 comments88 favs

“Just how many different animals try to hide their nakedness?” “Only one. And that'd be us, idiot.”, Twinkle responded. “Then, why don't we mind sometimes showing our bodies?”, she then asked. Twinkle could see it was going to be another…

The Scream

11511151 views00 comments00 favs

Coagulating sky, a turbulentheave of orange, blood red,hell's fire smeared —below, tar seas bulgeat the seams, engulfing ships.Pier-bound she streaksand wails as the seaswells and threatens to claim —, corpse head, baldeyes, her death robescling to…

On First Hearing Himself Read His Poem Aloud

11511151 views1313 comments88 favs

In his inexpert mouth they drone/ mechanically along without the lilt/ or cadence of an Irishman/ or Englishman or German.

Considering the Mailman

11511151 views77 comments22 favs

It’s not just the mailman. It’s the logo on the mailbox down the street. It’s the uniform. It’s any man or woman in the whole unsettling profession.


11511151 views33 comments22 favs

KOSHER PORN is a new collection of funny pick-up lines just for Jews, written by humorist Sarah Rosen, and illustrated with photos by Tom Stokes. It's based on Rosen's popular dating blog, Porn4Jews. And it's hilarious. Rosen started her blog after a year and a…


11511151 views55 comments22 favs

"I found a grey pubic hair the other day."

Only Shadows

11511151 views22 comments55 favs

There is a whisper in the shadows

Balm (excerpt)

11511151 views00 comments00 favs

my second language / to silence / plainsong of / the breast

Me. No, you. No, me.

11511151 views1111 comments44 favs

Sunset swoony love waves crash over me and I forget why I didn’t say yes sooner


11511151 views88 comments88 favs

I could hide away in this tower But I am Rapunzel And I will let down my hair


11501150 views66 comments44 favs

just before my break,/ he came on the line,/ old and slow with computers now/ but wanting a discount/ he'd been told he qualified for.

disparate haiku (mostly)

11501150 views66 comments55 favs

faith in gravity/permitted them to extol/the guillotine's blade.

Day 1 of Composing the Second Novel

11501150 views1313 comments55 favs