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Lipstick in the Kitchen

12101210 views88 comments44 favs

In the middle of the floor squatted a sway-backed butcher block that appeared to have been chopped upon with such force as to make it cower.

Should Have Gotten Delivery Instead

12101210 views33 comments11 fav

My mind raced at the endless possibilities one could die while driving to get a pizza.

Too Late

12101210 views99 comments66 favs

He brought me kisses from New York.

Conditions of a Narrator

12091209 views44 comments44 favs

Moore doubted, perhaps, that readers could sympathize with a man who had killed someone for a cause or a girlfriend who forgave him. Perhaps she felt that maiming is (not) worse than murder. Perhaps she decided that the story should be about that.

Smoke and Stars

12091209 views99 comments55 favs

as distant lights all must shiver before joining in a Milky Way river


12091209 views33 comments22 favs

I have committed to nothing. Therefore I have committed to something. The first sentence is now moot, and this story will eat itself.


12091209 views66 comments66 favs

Then I am wearing a brightly colored raincoat while sitting on a deck among hundreds of tiny glowing spores

The Faraday Effect

12091209 views55 comments11 fav

Because he tells her to, she puts on a vintage Easter dress one size too small and sprawls in a circle of light on the dusty floor...


12091209 views55 comments00 favs

About 10 years ago is when it started. I was 14, sitting at Pop's knee, listening to his stories, and Mom came in crying. She could hardly get words out. I think that day was the last time I felt the sun.

Why I Write

12091209 views99 comments44 favs

Creep up behind me one day and prick my skin. I promise you won’t draw blood – for it is ink that will spurt from my veins.


12091209 views66 comments55 favs

Ivan was used to explosions, but this was high in the sky. He was on his back between tall sunflowers that grew infinitely in all directions. The blast made the flowers bow their heads. Bits of debris fell from the blue sky, some shiny, trailing fire or smoke. The boy…


12091209 views88 comments77 favs

I usually idle by Spades Check Cashing on 8th Ave. and catch folks that way. The Homestead cops, they moved stations from a little up Amity to down on 7th, which is closer to Spades, but they leave me alone. I've drove jitneys almost ten years. Only been cited twice,…

Silver Spring to Phoenix

12091209 views55 comments55 favs

Vibrations of a cavern a mile beneath silver willows.At two in the morning beyond the Sheratona lumination of pollution intercedes realism.Cardinals and doves develop their melodyprogressively caught in beat/heart echoes,as with spelunker canaries fluting noxious gasa small…


12091209 views1010 comments44 favs

"Nice one, sir," the toilet said.


12091209 views22 comments11 fav

The Marigold gloves are yellow (figures!) and medium, the apron ironed with a touch of starch added...

Death Comes To Visit

12091209 views11 comment00 favs

He was almost dying when I reached the hospital. I walked past the open automatic sliding doors into the lobby, almost vacant except a few people milling around, the nurses fighting sleep behind the desks while waiting for their shift to end.


12091209 views55 comments44 favs

Bill decided he hated his neighbors on a Sunday morning in June.

Hip Hop

12081208 views11 comment00 favs

Kenya Williams, eight years old, was out of bed before anyone else in her family, even Grandpa. It was Easter Sunday. She had a mission of mercy to carry out. She dressed quietly and tiptoed past her mama’s bedroom. She dared not wake her new daddy, who w

Can't You Tell When I Get Lonely?

12081208 views33 comments11 fav

“Can't you tell when I get lonely?”, she asks. “No”, I say. It gets awkward because she wants me to know when she gets lonely. I don't give her the attention she wants without realizing it. She moves away and stares at me for…

New Homes / New Fears

12081208 views55 comments55 favs

How would you like to leave the land of your ancestors, the place of your birth, the home of your identity?


12081208 views55 comments55 favs

i am either lacerated /or ill at ease / continually subject to gusts of life

Sweetie and Jack

12081208 views1313 comments1313 favs

Let's walk through this park. We can talk until dark. You have the look of a wolf. I'm not stupid, Jack. I'm a lamb, you'll see, once you get to know me. That tat is fierce and your leathers tight black. My ink is old and black suits me, I'm told. …

In the League of Extraordinary Matrix Hulks

12081208 views55 comments22 favs

I got a chance to study story structure, character development, and writing of dialogue in an intense boot camp laced with orange jello and intravenous drugs.

War and Peace

12081208 views66 comments66 favs

War The once shining lake was busy draining itself. All the better cared for boats were looking like disjointed discarded single shoes in a messed up paint chipped closet. No one was thinking well okay a leaky sole is better than a wounded heel. You get the…

A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte

12081208 views00 comments00 favs

A woman is fishing in the Seine at the far left of the painting, while time is suspended and light remains. One man plays a trumpet. A half dozen people sit or walk under parasols. Couples stroll and children run or sit or stand beside their p

Mercury Unbound - 7

12081208 views1717 comments77 favs

a song jolts my memory . . .

Why the Woodpecker Laughs

12081208 views88 comments77 favs

Once upon a time, before there was Prairie, there was Swamp. Therein lived Salamander and Snake. High above them, in the tops of Cypresses lived Woodpecker.

Jesus, Zombie

12081208 views1111 comments99 favs

"Jesus was a zombie?" I ask, shocked.

Cat On A Hot Tin Roof

12081208 views99 comments22 favs

Cat's ass was on fire. The roof was scorching hot. Her clothes were in a pile by the door that led to the roof. She was sitting next to the ventilation duct, her hands outstretched behind her, her knees bent before her. Jim was standing in front of…


12081208 views55 comments11 fav

Class (appears in my book Breaking it Down; no journal publication) When your neighbor James Frehley cusses you out for hanging a block and tackle from the silver maple in your front lawn, begin to pull the engine from your Galaxie anyway, smile and nod…