Most discussed stories

A Next Step

10701070 views1010 comments88 favs

The first night I met her we slow danced to George Strait songs for most of the evening and when we took a break, our talking went warm and well as we sat eating hot dogs and sipping beers until she dropped a couple of bombs, first, telling me she was married and then, that…

1888: Mrs. Sherwood

11521152 views1010 comments99 favs

Margaret will take her seven away from his raging Irish hammers slurry Saturday night honks smashing red eyes. They'll board a secret train countryside bound where they sing the songs of her own dead Mam who lived poor in the world but…

The Cougar

17411741 views1010 comments33 favs

Johnny puts another whiskey in front of me. Except for him, me, and Petey, the bar's empty. "You hear about that up in Wilmette?" he asks."No, what?" I say."A cougar. People say they saw a cougar.""Bullshit.""No shit. Was in the Sun Times this morning.""Sun Times ain't…

Super Collider

11271127 views1010 comments22 favs

I never pulled it off, never rode an atom through a super collider with a nose full of cocaine and a drink in my hand. Never was a bullet, zooming through the city, skin pressed to bone, nerves on fire. Never was an atom bomb, ever-exploding in slow motion, ripping off…


12181218 views1010 comments66 favs

long lines, short words

Opening Your Fiery Eyes

11021102 views1010 comments55 favs

as I imagine only you canyou're the ocean on fire before anyone else hasbroken that ancient seal, or simply taken the first icy plunge.You can eatall the bitterfruit there is, but that stilldoesn't make theworld a more hatefulplace. Only people…

Things That Glow

13511351 views1010 comments99 favs

The tiny green light flashing in the lawn of an apartment building one night that caught Roberta’s attention while we were walking home from Café Vita.

Athena 2.0

15431543 views1010 comments99 favs

The story goes that the night before I was born my dad had a terrible headache.

Payback (The Chair)

877877 views1010 comments1010 favs

My mother always brightens when I walk into her room, then a sallow nature overtakes the short-lived smile. It’s as if she expects someone else, and disappointment sets in when she sees it’s only me.

Rock, Roll, et al.

11101110 views1010 comments55 favs

She looks for the obit, can't find. Over and over, looks. Nothing. Nothing except something touching her shoulder. Follow me. Corridors, doors, along and along, no time to notice that this last is the stage door — she was so suddenly there in the blare and…

Delayed Sentence (55 Word Story)

29032903 views1010 comments1010 favs

The river waited for her patiently.

It's A Different World When You Walk With A Cane

15501550 views1010 comments77 favs

People do want to be kind. It's just that sometimes they need a little push (or, in a few cases, a big fat shove) in the right direction.

Homing Pigeons

13531353 views1010 comments99 favs

Sometimes, they beat their masters home...

Charlie's Travels

10581058 views1010 comments77 favs

Charlie Hancock missed the bus. Started walking.


11451145 views1010 comments11 fav

Her preferred post-coital activity is to pant, to suck in air with urgent greed.

Bad Luck and Trouble

12161216 views1010 comments33 favs

Jake goes back inside, turns on the TV, and sits down. It is the end of the world! A lane of the Bay Bridge has fallen into the bay. A building downtown has lost its skin.

Miracle Bra for my behind

15091509 views1010 comments11 fav

Do you want an ass mi Nina Bonita? I buy you jeans that work like a Miracle Bra for your behind.


10111011 views1010 comments33 favs

Words are looking ever so strange today like a hole in space a wind in a cloud a face superimposed over a mountain

The Sex Life of Your Mouth

13651365 views1010 comments00 favs

"What say we adjourn to the bedroom and I give you a little demonstration of sexual acrobatics?”

The Unseen Hand Shuffles the Deck

925925 views1010 comments66 favs

2008Not a bubble burstbut a trust ruptured.The guilty don't survivebut, rather, thrive. 2011The monied are superior.They game the system well.As we work harder, longer,their paper fortunes swell.2017Marie and Louie were monied once.The Romanovs as well.Fast as blades and…

Me and the Dowagers by the Five and Dime

11621162 views1010 comments55 favs

It's been twenty years since you left. I should call it a day.Even the Obeah woman said as much. But I don't listen. Instead I sit with old and proper ethnic widows in black, waiting for your return. One of them translates my story for the…

A Broken Ankle, Canasta, and a Weirdly Sexy Jesus Sighting

13521352 views1010 comments88 favs

nothing can stop a group of genteel Southern women from a card game, and divine intervention makes one's participation in such an event quite worthwhile

You, the Real Story

989989 views1010 comments99 favs

I don't need to be toldhow natural you are, not here.I'm reminded every singletime I open my eyes.What I want to know iswhere have you gone? Whyhas it taken you so verylong to return? But Iknow the answer. You aresomewhere fighting for your dearlife. It's what we all do--in…

Book Killer

13801380 views1010 comments77 favs

Sometimes after bookbinding for a few hours at the hand-sewing table, Jillie would, after scraping her knife too roughly over the glue of an old book's spine, feel not like a resurrector of literature, as she should, but a killer. Not a calculating or

The Heron

12651265 views1010 comments1010 favs

Bob’s thoughts drift back to bird, the solitary creature in the field, dignified, unhurried, waiting. Bob wonders where he goes; surely he will move on when spring gives way to summer.

Lost Splendors

905905 views1010 comments88 favs

“I have a theory,” she said on their first date, which was at an Indian restaurant where the music was a lovely singsong but the chef seemed enraged as he clapped a ball of dough between his hands, then threw it into the flames. And her date, whom she…

Let This Be the Beginning for I Have Sin to Spread

10611061 views1010 comments33 favs

A crash, a loud tear screams through the house. A coffee table continues its dutiful life as a bitch.

Noir in cadence

832832 views1010 comments88 favs

...hup hup hup...

Giving Birth to the World

279279 views1010 comments99 favs

Life's a contradiction.

Fibers(next:our world without ice caps/yipes!)

971971 views1010 comments55 favs

The light they love to hate so much is always pulsating within each life; the unbelievable color sword of what happens next when any two people find each other in their hearts and all pretense is somehow gone, for at…