by Myra King
If I could close the gap of my fingers
to something that shows
more than depth
I'd protect you as I did
when you were within
but how could I know
where you were going
or how far you have been
and how can I feel
beneath your skin
the deepness of you
when I can only see
as if through
a veil thinly
my own
and where have the years sped
how distant was your youth
but you will always
be my child
from motherhood and birth
if only I could
I would
catch you up
but the space
between us
is never diminishing
like some endless play
for as fast as I run to you
you are running away
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122 words
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Dedicated to my daughter
Expresses well the powerlessness we have
Touching. ***
Thanks, Gary and Rachna.
Deep and disturbing wonder of
"I would
catch you up
but the space
between us
is never diminishing"
So true, so true. Made me pause, want to call my daughter. *
"if only I could
I would
catch you up"
Nice to see your work here again, Myra!
"like some endless play
... as fast as I run to you
you are running away"
Good heart music.
Makes me yearn for my mom and my daughter. *
Thanks Sam, Bill, Darryl and Mathew.
*Poignant and very real.
Thanks, Nonnie, much appreciated.