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Breach of Faith

18061806 views33 comments11 fav

You love your wife and would never do anything to hurt her. In thirteen years of marriage you’ve never been unfaithful, never done more than glance at another woman. Until tonight. Tonight you got lucky. Oh God, how you got lucky!

That Was Then, Not Now

908908 views66 comments33 favs

Memory is unreliable, of course-/ re-coloring savored scenes-/ paler here, more saturated there-

Wild Garden

13461346 views55 comments33 favs

Even though it was late November, it still bloomed. Extravagantly. Obviously it had no shame, obviously it reveled in its own beauty.

Hope Is Not a Political Solution

844844 views44 comments44 favs

Hanging out at the Imaginary Friends Café with all my imaginary friends, poets, itinerant musicians, etc. Writing close to nothing. Can’t finish a thought, so I’m composing a book called “Not Quite Haiku,” which is unfini

Good Home Wanted

14541454 views66 comments33 favs

In his fridge he had one piece of meat. He hadn’t been expecting me. I cooked it for him and watched him eat.


11361136 views44 comments44 favs

people keep trying to get me/ "out of the house"./ they see fun in me, and cool in me,/ and want to spend time with me,/ and i am flattered most sincerely./

I Don't Know How the Nights Can Be So Long When Life Is So Short

988988 views44 comments44 favs

I will always remember that picture of you in your bright blue summer dress, with your arms spread out against a wooden fence in Central Park.


12631263 views55 comments44 favs

You can’t take a chandelier on an emergency dash across a nuclear desert.

And so, like a kind of molting

11421142 views44 comments44 favs

So for now, let the snow fall, but let it fall gently, each flake as a soft piano note

Slydexia for the Unimpaired in Eight Acts

722722 views44 comments33 favs

You tell its approach soon as veal resists both knife and fork, quick neutrinos land in internet ruby climes.

The Sorry March to the Even Sorrier Sea

11631163 views88 comments33 favs

goes on and on. Like it's a sad mad season on Mars, well it isn't, is it? Sometimes I have towonder whatever happenedto us, to make us forget how well we already know how tosing as good as any larks do? I have never wantedto drown, but I've…

Weird Miracles(Exciting New Offer)

754754 views55 comments44 favs

The Eleven Best of Darryl Price, as chosen by Brian W.,dishwasher, music aficionado, tattoo historian,and poetry lover(off the grid but not off the griddle): 1. What I Find 2. The…


10131013 views44 comments44 favs

Hours later, when I was on the phone trying to explain in broken Greek that I didn't have the money to pay damages, I started to retrace my steps from that souvenir shop I reduced to dust.


13971397 views44 comments44 favs

sex trafficking

Layers on a Cold Night

13381338 views88 comments22 favs

Later that night, he lay his shivering children in his own bed, the bed that betrayed and abandoned him just a few years ago. It will protect them now.

Pinus Timbre

13441344 views77 comments33 favs

Ancient erections loom aloft ringed by decades centuries for some in gnarled scabs of pine.

"Forever You Will Be Mine"

10621062 views11 comment11 fav

“Forever you will be mine” she said to me, and of course I did not believe her. She was a romantic and so was I, and such words habitually dripped out of her lovely mouth like honey from the comb, in a never-ending flow of flattery which I am ashamed to s

It makes no difference

10691069 views77 comments33 favs

So I'll throw in ten.

A Look In the Mirror

11791179 views55 comments44 favs

...That flash of horror as well as the lie that replaced it were mirrors of sorts and both told the truth.

A Life of My Own- 2

15171517 views1010 comments33 favs

He wanted me to learn the business, to become the son he always wanted but never had. I eagerly complied.

In the Faraway Places

10731073 views44 comments44 favs

It was far away and I don't know how we arrived. There were people about that were involved in getting boats into the water or else playing sports games atop green hills. They told me I should go out in a boat with this guy and that he would take me around the island. I…

Confessions of a Latter-Day Computerholic

818818 views1010 comments22 favs

Boy, it is weird out there, talking to real people!

Psycho Logic Deregulation

10731073 views66 comments33 favs

" . . . the government works for the aliens now, taking over the world. That's why everything's so screwed up."

The Aunts

14401440 views66 comments44 favs

My father's heart stumbles like a punch drunk fighter. I don't notice until I'm bending over him to help him up. He's lying a little down the hill from his truck, his door open, the motor still running. The…

be kind to your pieces…/torn

293293 views33 comments33 favs

Pieces that said shrug a shrug and then another and one to right with the eyes that squint and one to left with rhythm that never left. And piece after piece, after piece they stich themselves, née weave a tapestry that is the dance your very walk swayed

the night envelops me

591591 views55 comments33 favs

and light bleeds into the darkness


27912791 views44 comments33 favs

With the sudden addition of a comma and a pronoun, the clause declared its independence.

House of Dreams

12281228 views66 comments44 favs

The cat wound itself around Megan’s neck, its purring curling through Megan’s consciousness. She was the cat and then herself, both things at once.

The Raging River

10291029 views44 comments44 favs

We'll all face the raging river, some sooner than others.

A hushed something

13091309 views66 comments33 favs

Her skin is muddy earth/ I'd gladly play in.