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Hope's Amanuensis

12161216 views66 comments55 favs

I was low on carburetor / oxygen and my fraud protection / had just expired.


13231323 views1212 comments44 favs

all / the secret letters/ ever dreamed up


11601160 views88 comments44 favs

Your voice so soft / I wish it was touch.

On West 4th Street

14741474 views1010 comments44 favs

Across from the Hell Hole the Cage on Sixth pulses, sweats, swooshes, hot concussion as players play for keeps.


842842 views88 comments44 favs

Didn't usually go to the parade because it was long and cold But only a few blocks from the apartment Maybe if the sun had warmed all up some

Older Now

12461246 views55 comments55 favs

You will never know how much it hurts When someone else touches your face. But I also know how much you count on others To pull the slivers out of your heart.

Sun Striking

13191319 views1313 comments44 favs

Sun strikingGolden snow glistens Across empty fieldsLong winter shadowsTrees like fingers The morning in their grasp


13651365 views1010 comments55 favs

I do not come with a cardboard sign or tip jar.

Man On A Balcony In His Bathrobe

17551755 views66 comments11 fav

Watering his pansies in their pots with his ridiculous watering can. Sticking his finger in the soil to test the dampness. Obviously nothing on beneath the silk robe. It’s almost fallen loose a dozen times Balding. Maybe in his late forties. S


14101410 views55 comments55 favs

You want to be there, but not noticed. Alive, but not too alive. Because that's how you feel every day. Like an apology with legs.


10231023 views99 comments44 favs

Fear I’ll be stuck here without a ladder

Twelve Pens

11281128 views55 comments55 favs

Their last story


11031103 views55 comments55 favs

Black bugs are falling, fluttering down like big, black snow flakes. Two bugs, almost always, sometimes only one.

Assiduity Five

12351235 views1414 comments44 favs

. . . my situation.

Be Afraid

972972 views77 comments55 favs

Everything conspires to kill you:

The After

838838 views55 comments44 favs

I watched her look at mewithout any eyes.She turned her head as wesat on the edge of the bed.Instead of eyesthere were hollow indentations of soft tissue,bulbs, and closed,tissue sown, pinched togetherwith pulls and zigzagslike crosshatching, where…

Me. You. Love.

16241624 views66 comments55 favs

In my own case, before Ellen, of course there was someone else. She—well, she was someone who I felt as if I’d always known and always would. And I think she felt the same about me.

Emoji Problems

14691469 views66 comments55 favs

Our problems started with a few back and forth texts of emojis late one night. The next evening, a Friday, typically my poker night with the guys, my girlfriend came to the door.“You brought over pizza, how nice,” I said. “And, oh, gosh, look at that, a…

Couplets Regarding an Impasse

12111211 views55 comments55 favs

Life is easier for the handsome. / They are more pleasant to deal with.

A Manual for Readers

17271727 views55 comments55 favs

The story will starve. It will crawl up your throat to get the cracker.

Me and Frisco on the Road

962962 views77 comments55 favs

I don't think I minded so much watching the trucks hit him, one breaking his spine with a decisive snap, and the other finishing the job by splitting his skull. I don't think I minded watching as much as I did watching those two boys poking around at his

Riding Off into the Sunset

17491749 views1010 comments22 favs

There's only one road out of here. It goes straight north for a while, then starts veering off toward the west. You and Horace Greeley can get all dreamy-eyed if you want, but I know which side of the river the Egyptians buried their dead on.


11881188 views55 comments44 favs

Two days ago, a friend of mine and I met at my house. She was a nurse, and could only visit my house very late at night when her shift ended. We don’t meet often because she is very busy saving lives and generally being a more useful human being in societ

marc bolan

11361136 views1010 comments44 favs

marc bolan mind rolling

Bow Ties & Brooklyn Dressing

12141214 views88 comments55 favs

collars of obedience / discarded in the pyre / with draft cards and bras

Cornelius van Linjpleel's Contributions to the Study of Etruscan Tombs

12501250 views55 comments44 favs

Cornelius van Linjpleel discovered and excavated for himself a lone Etruscan tomb not far from Populonia in 1898.

Alliterative at best

603603 views1010 comments44 favs

Jeff was unlucky.His first wife had been killed by his stalker a few years ago. When he first explained it to me, I had felt incredulous. Then I felt somewhat guilty for wondering who on earth would have been inspired to stalk him. The dead wife thing made me feel even…

Nothing Beside Remains

856856 views66 comments55 favs

It was the early 80's My students carried / guns.

Blue Line Southbound

13411341 views1010 comments55 favs

Brazilian girls yammer with their book bags up against my leg.

A Brief History of Water

597597 views1010 comments44 favs

amphibians returning to the scene of the crime