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14121412 views22 comments22 favs

She would have moved on to the next guy in the next bar, the one who looked like danger on a stick.

observations on an autumn day

701701 views1111 comments66 favs

macho bucks in velvet defy you driving down the lane

I Want You

10731073 views77 comments77 favs

to have something, but I don't think you need anything from me. There are poems that belong in your hair and no one else's. They should be like stars that only appear every one thousand years or so, then can only be seen when you are…

Home Health Care

12961296 views88 comments77 favs

But what if it grew into a nasty tea party-ish bimbo right winger -- a little Michelle Bachmann nubbin?


12551255 views66 comments66 favs

That was the start of it, the vigils. Every night at the foot of the Gilt Spears a group of people congregated in a housing estate to look up at the stars. Housewives with working away husbands, fractious toddlers hanging upside down…

Brain Cleaning & Repair

11971197 views77 comments77 favs

You've been given some really cruel thoughts that are not your own.You've been given some really stupid sets of rules which are impossibleto follow. You can learn to manage for yourself. Remember who youwere before they told you who you were. You've been trainedsince birth…

Hobo Junction

16181618 views1212 comments55 favs

“How much is stuff worth? Stuff man! Bling! Cargo! STUFF! What's it worth to you? It ain't worth a shit, man! Clean clothes! Comfortable shoes! A ride! Those things are important! But they’re only stuff.

A Chosen Voice

479479 views44 comments33 favs

While the shadows of lives that once were still hid away, others who survived tried to stand on their own two feet and walk the distance again and tell what happened and what it was all like.

At the Cafe

11291129 views77 comments77 favs

The light on his face from a lamp, felt hat with a black band scrunched down, the light on his face as though thrown there, the nose creating a strong shadow, with dark, straight eyebrows under the hat, red and orange beard. Leaning forwar

Our Own

11241124 views88 comments66 favs

The world is upon us. The only thing that matters Now is if you are willing to be seen by them. Many moths Will be hidden by simply gathering on the bark Of the one tree, but this will not sustain you if you Do not also have the courage…

Sold 2 Books Though

10711071 views88 comments77 favs

Reading at Menlo Park Senior Center, old people falling asleep leaning to the left in their chairs, all in the same direction.

Republican Presidential Candidates Haiku

11831183 views88 comments77 favs

If they were drowning,

The River

434434 views99 comments55 favs

The sinuous river of your childhood. Do you remember how it slid between your young legs before winding away, making its lively and bubbly sounds. You would have made it light-headed with your games and screams. When you lingered late in the afternoon after school, and you…

Fruit and Vegetable

15481548 views99 comments44 favs

I walk into the fruit and vegetable market and she sees me right away. I've been trying to avoid her and have been successful for more than three weeks. The break-up was not a good one. I still have a scar over my left eye where the glass ashtray hit me.

Assiduity Two

12441244 views1717 comments55 favs

I'm old enough to be her father.

August and After Haiku

479479 views1212 comments66 favs

The brown grackle chirps/ as she chomps a plump cricket-/ melodious meal.


880880 views77 comments77 favs

often visit me in my room, so quietly, so suddenly, buzzing my head with wonderful, possible sentences. Sometimes I find they've been there radiating all along, children ready to burst out in a sneaky fit of laughter if I move just slightly…

Running In My Veins

10971097 views77 comments77 favs

They say that inside the veins of every Bohemian lies an entire army of dead alcoholics. I suppose this is true of me too.

Mirko's Morning

10951095 views55 comments55 favs

"Your loss," she cackled, stumbled to the bed in the corner, hummed a tuneless song, and began snoring, too.


115115 views77 comments77 favs

The High Priest Psychiatrist at Orwellian Industries Medical Center where I used to work loved to hear himself say the following, to my horror, at every staff meeting: "We psychiatrists prescribe the poisons to the patients and the…


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The Tall Man’s Secret

11671167 views88 comments55 favs

For the next two hours, Ed goes nonchalantly about his business, buck naked the whole time. He putters around the house, writes e mails, waters plants, vacuums the rug and sweeps the porch. I pretend to ignore his nudity

No New Clothes for the Empress

267267 views88 comments66 favs

Because I was not sure if the poet had said yearn or urine, I zoomed in on her mouth as she commanded the lectern...

Rebekah Just When the Drought Was Ending

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But the best thing about Rebekah was the way she floated always beneath the scent of woodburn and dusty Middle America,

The Prize

12291229 views1212 comments77 favs

The fish would need a name, but she didn’t know how to tell if it was a boy or a girl. Did fish have penises?

Subsistence Culture

11111111 views1212 comments66 favs

Defy the impulse to grow beyond/ your means and the means of the/ place where you lie at night.

Death At McDonalds, or How I Learned To Love

14331433 views1010 comments44 favs

"I sighed heavily. 'Goddamn it...' I spat under my breath. 'Every motherfucking time..."


741741 views77 comments77 favs

It's true. I like to walk on the ceiling. But please. Don't hold it against me. The ceiling is cold. Nobody lives there. Just a spider. A curious arachnid. She lets herself down sometimes. If I'm on the bed, trying to sleep, staring at the ceiling, watching her…

Little Townhouse on the Prairie

232232 views66 comments66 favs

In the evening the geese and the small engine planesstart their descent from the west to the east.I sit on the deck facing the Lutheran church where the sign announcing the Reverend so and so is highlighted from a mile away.The cars rush by and I count them as I…

Raft and Rag

11381138 views77 comments77 favs

A new philosophy stirs in its surgery.