by Ann Bogle
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Economic notation: in deciding how much the Market ought to pay Alexis Quinlan, the poet, let the Market not pay her for her further perseverance in investigating Massinger but for in 2008 her calling Charles Bernstein "the Mayor of Poetry" ... kidding? Tonight I was thinking that Gordon Lish may have been the Barber of Minimalism. See the preceding notation on my Fb profile page: Donald Trump is my guy for white racial profiling. If you may have seen Donald Trump taking a walk on your street, would you say: "I saw Donald Trump out walking today" or would you say, " .... a guy that looked like Donald Trump ... " as I thought I may have seen that day, and at my peril said, prior to my red tape paperworking, a guy that looked like Spike Lee crossing near the Menil, a noon on a Wednesday in December. My mother knows approximately where her three children have been and how they currently live. The specialists in French forensics failed to appoint a better translator of Sigmund Freud than James Strachey. There are few jobs I would offer to do that pay $28K per year -- about $37K less than the cost of living -- and one of them is the bureaucratic documentation of American women not widely reported missing who died nice or whose recovery is regarded as not possible if they live.
*, Ann. I'm enjoying trying to follow where your thoughts take me.
Interesting ride, Ann. **
these seem a syntax of pure thought, inventing its form as it goes.
Gordon Lish. A helluva editor. An asshole in person, I guess. Who knows? *
Stream-of-consciousness writing with a strong emphasis on the feeling and aims of language. Fabulous work.*
Thanks to David James, Rachna, David Ackley, Jake, and Amanda.
Love the flow here, Ann.
"(5/8) (a sewing fraction) yet that (Brecht's lesser enthusiasm than Weill's) is not the fault."
I like the shifts in phrasing- throughout. *