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Clover Grill: A Short Story

20242024 views1313 comments55 favs

I'm somewhere on I-10 in Mississippi, barreling westbound at 80 miles an hour through a rainstorm on a late Wednesday afternoon. The last road sign I remember was for Beauvoir, some Confederate general's…

Butcher Knife

20242024 views2525 comments99 favs

When I was young I used to carry a butcher knife to bed. My grandmother placed it in my small hands before tucking me in.

You Have Something I Don't Have

20232023 views1111 comments99 favs

So, as the lines on my face grow more pronounced, the lines on my finger prints are fading away? All I can say is that it's a damn shame it's not the other way around.

Ever. Happily. After.

20232023 views99 comments66 favs

This is a fairy tale. There is a princess who is not a princess but we will call her a princess because every fairy tale has a princess. Her name is Tanya. She's the daughter of a mechanic and a housewife. She has two brothers and two sisters. She is the middle…


20232023 views1414 comments1010 favs

...what will happen to me buying drugs on the street, at night...?


20232023 views1414 comments33 favs

You should really see my father's bunions. They are as obnoxious as fuchsia bowling bowls.

What You Catch a Glimpse of, Forget As Soon

20212021 views33 comments11 fav

There are gestures, unmarred by the words put to them after all has failed. When Y. stopped you from talking to apply lip balm to your dry lips. Or she sidled up to you to read what you had written for her. When you lay on the grass together she put her head on…

The Literary Savant

20202020 views4343 comments2727 favs

"I would date a dog," she says.


20202020 views55 comments66 favs

The man she loved did not love her. At first she prayed to Athena for strength and steadiness. She began to knock on wood, spit on her…

'Introduction' to LETTING IT ALL HANG OUT

20202020 views00 comments00 favs

Was Sligo an unfeeling privacy-violator or an uncannily-feeling empath, privy to the deepest longings of those whose lives he came in contact with? [...] Sligo's grave is as silent as these pages ultimately would be if they were left unread.

Melliflua and the Fauns

20192019 views44 comments33 favs

In the land of Nebbia, the mistiest part of Etruria, it was the month of Agnosto, when anything can happen, and Melliflua was pondering what to do about the fauns.

Boredom & Ennui

20172017 views00 comments00 favs

I had a weird feeling I had just validated his behavior — provided another tile in the mosaic of his ego and self-esteem — by doing nothing more than entering this hall of mirrors, and reflecting.

Zohra El Fassia by Erez Bitton

20162016 views22 comments11 fav

Poem: Zohra El Fassia by Erez Bitton


20152015 views11 comment22 favs

I hope I don’t have aches and pains in heaven Cause here on Earth I ache in all my parts These old bones don’t have the spring they used to I sure hope heaven has electric shopping carts

The Penguin Flight

20132013 views00 comments00 favs

Even though I made the phone call, it was really Steven who put me on that plane. I wanted to fly out at dawn. "Let's wait till after breakfast," he said. "Change to a later flight." By that time everything was sold out except a few seats on Doomed Flight…

The Undertakers of the Dead by Unseen Hands(Young Poet at the Bus Stop with Some new Vinyl in his Hand)

20132013 views1919 comments77 favs

"The truth isn't always beauty, but the hunger for it is.'--Nadine Gordimer Other things do matter just as much of course. Of course they do. Hey I'm still kind of alive inside this poem here. At least I'd like to think so, so yes another…

Things You Probably Didn't Know About Michigan

20122012 views00 comments11 fav

I love Michigan. Michigan is my home. I love living in Michigan. There are so many things about Michigan that people don't know. People of the world don't know anything about Michigan. Our haiku festivals, quality cheeses, our love of skinny neckties and

strannikov's High Definitions

20112011 views66 comments44 favs

Human being: a fruit or vegetable with animal aspirations and a mineral destiny.

An Ancient Symbol for Fire

20112011 views1010 comments66 favs

If you could look out to either side of you, you'd see the signs. Restricted Area, Danger Keep Out.

Nevertheless The Plan Was Not Implemented

20082008 views77 comments55 favs

Thomas Friedman was right when he said, “Much of this biodiversity in Indonesia is now under threat.” It had been this way since gasoline became currency; I remember bartering with The Governance for the newest edition of The Guinness Book of

MoonEarth Collision: A Disaster Story

20072007 views22 comments11 fav

“My fellow Americans,” says his boss, leader of the free world. “The orbit of the moon has been disturbed. No longer revolving around the earth, the moon now hurtles toward the earth. Impact is expected within days.

Mocking Bird

20072007 views3333 comments2424 favs

There were always mocking birds around my house.

it snows

20072007 views2828 comments2020 favs

I popped open the wine with a Nike shoelace, a trick I learned on the internet

Jack Kerouac, Republican Party Hero

20072007 views22 comments11 fav

Mr. Kerouac is the author of On the Road, Big Sur, and numerous other works that defined the Beat Generation, and he's the foremost drunken writer of his time to embrace conservatism.

The Egg Whisk

20062006 views99 comments33 favs

A plain oval face, opaque except for a birthmark streaking the right cheek like chicken shit.


20062006 views2828 comments99 favs

People huddle in their basements like kittens. People laugh, darkly, saying they'd rather be surfing. People wonder if their batteries are charged. People never do get what they want. People grow tired of the sad dog following them around. People want you to know how…


20052005 views1818 comments99 favs

I thought of driving over there across town, steering with buttered hands.

~vanishing journal~

20042004 views66 comments33 favs

like the sky opened up and showed me a palace above the clouds. he told me he has traveled south beyond the black sea, to constantinople where the ocean is clear green

The Wordless Realm

20032003 views22 comments11 fav

Cast off unexpectedly,Surety stood watch on distant shore.A wordless beckoning,A siren's callpierced waxed ears.Lashed to the mast,Who helms this vessel,This beating heart?


20032003 views77 comments44 favs

He imagined them raining down on her and then, like little radio towers, transmitting the sensation of her skin and warmth to him. He could feel her from the other side of the plastic. She could stay there, and he would feed her Chicken and Stars.