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One Bag of Popcorn

12401240 views99 comments22 favs

“Dad’s a dick,” my sister said. I nodded. He threw $20 on the candy counter for one small bag of popcorn and told the girl to keep the change.

A Dream Lay In Wait

12401240 views11 comment11 fav

Roanne hungered. Memory had ruled her forever. Shards really, edged like machetes: daddy, whose fingers had eyes in the dark. Momma, ensconced in the shadows. Inside the church, those pairs of short…

My 50th birthday

12401240 views00 comments00 favs

A customary phone call from home. What are you doing she says? Playing football I retort – what else. The usual sigh and a faint giggle followed. Much unlike how it backfired back in the late 20’s and we were going to make it the reason to break up! The p

flash poem

12401240 views77 comments55 favs

Why flash?because the moments, the moments, they pass in flashes of brilliancethat shudder, death glow alightand nothing makes sense beyond nowand nothing will help me but meand I am not even enoughnot my thoughts or your nod of assentor even the deep sigh of…

Park Bench

12401240 views77 comments44 favs

Then daylight's lovely lantern/ Dressed in yellow white/ cleanness/ Danced a ballet towards/ Her majesty’s park bench/ She did! She sat on you!

Bad Luck and Trouble

12401240 views1010 comments33 favs

Jake goes back inside, turns on the TV, and sits down. It is the end of the world! A lane of the Bay Bridge has fallen into the bay. A building downtown has lost its skin.

Thanks, for the Memory

12401240 views11 comment11 fav

"So, how did you know my name?" "I read memories." i said

Jimmy's Glass Eye

12401240 views99 comments44 favs

We weren't supposed to talk about Jimmy's glass eye. We just had to watch it stare at us all wonkie, without knowing a thing about it.

The 11th Arrondissement

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I concluded that Parisian sexuality must be partially indebted to the cricket or grasshopper. The entrance to their flat was a wood door scarred by scriptures common to places frequented by people who have not yet made their mark on the world.

Kingdom of the blind

12401240 views66 comments66 favs

Learned & wealthy but slowly going mad from seeing, he did the only thing he could/he turned to love

3 Unforgotten Remembrances

12401240 views33 comments22 favs

A useful skill. Tonic immobility. I cannot forget...the first year I was a woman...trying to believe the truth I tell...

The Plinktonians

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Brian had spent the morning filling out applications all over Knox County, and by noon he was more than ready to call it a day. But apparently there was one last squirt of virtue in him, because heading home he saw a Help…

Trees on Fields

12401240 views99 comments22 favs

Dear Jackknife Ponderosa, I'm stupid. Let's move on. Let's move past the part where I complain, where I struggle with circumstance, where I display my petty arms, and shoot holes in the air. …

Excelsior - A Poem in 9 Parts (post 1 of 5)

12391239 views33 comments33 favs

Excelsior: A Poem in Nine Parts Preface: Musings on a Lighthouse by an Eastern Isle (Suggested by a painting by Mario Larrinaga) It is bright tonight; this plain, displaced from place In Time's broad flight, yields…

Arcana Magi Behind the Scenes: Writing through Music

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A behind the scenes look at how music influenced the writing of Arcana Magi Universe.


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I thought the Ferris wheel was dumb. All it did was give you a high altitude view of the little Minnesota town where I had grown up.

One of Us

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“We’re starting to get into weather control,” Mark said. “Can you really do that?” Rachel asked, trying to sound supportive and not skeptical. “There are people out on the west coast in Seattle, who’ve been experimenting with it,” Mark said. “Bec


12391239 views55 comments44 favs

--So, why are you here?


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On the way home, “Friendly honk,” he said.

On Not Having an Affair With a Flamboyant Minor Dadaist Poetess

12391239 views88 comments44 favs

It’s just that—well, I don’t know how to put this— With a Dadaist poet a non-affair is the height of erotic bliss.


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I turned on the television last night, and one of the networks had a segment about a girl with no nose.

Believing Everything I Read In Your Upturned Eyes

12391239 views99 comments77 favs

It doesn't have to be force grown betweenus. We entwine naturally. It's agood feeling to have a friend who at oncedoesn't require a hothouse ceiling laidbetween each invisible touch. There's justwind. There's just rain. There's just sun. There's just you.There's just…


12391239 views00 comments00 favs

No news spreads faster than news of a death. Word of the death of a child can be heard simultaneously in a thousand places. . . the word spread by telephone, in back yards from clothesline to clothesline, with whispers in grocery stores, in the looks on faces stunned into…

Keep the Change

12391239 views22 comments22 favs

Jacob could tell it was a man he had just walked past, a broken man with an olive green Vietnam era military jacket, a man who had probably served his country as honorably as anyone chosen at lottery and forced to kill for a subsistence wage…

Too Fast to be Fat

12391239 views22 comments00 favs

As it turns out, hypertravel is surprisingly slimming.

Love, a comet, omens and wings

12391239 views33 comments33 favs

My love for him like wax wings/ so long they stretched eternal— beating in the sky, grazing peaks,

A Poet in a Coffeeshop in the Motherfucking Nineties

12391239 views1010 comments77 favs

Look at her. She doesn't want to be here. The kiss and “wouldn't miss it for the world” was as empty as her crossed arms, crossed legs, and jittery foot were loaded. She attacked the foam of her latte with a tiny red straw. I wanted to scream. Complain about the…

Swiss Miss Index

12391239 views44 comments11 fav

Rye goods * Cracker brot: best practices * Recipes: never embellish! * Boughten: what to avoid

Owl Watching

12391239 views1919 comments1010 favs

I attended the burial of our affair when I found her notebook— maybe it should be called her diary—that she had foolishly left on the deck of my beach house where she stayed while I was on that short trip to Chicago. Numb at first, unsure how to proceed, I went…

Regarding Viet Nam

12391239 views2727 comments1414 favs

At some point, my lottery number/ was in the mid 300s. I was safe/ for whatever reason. No need/ to burn my draft card.