by Kirsty Logan
They will wipe the dust from the cornices
They will dig the moss from bronze names
She will burn food onto the bottom of the pans
He will grow long hairs for the corners of his mouth
And she warms her hands on fresh-cut gizzards
And he forgets the taste of honeyed peaches
And the snow is too dense for the sky
And they dig
And dig
And dig
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69 words
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NaPoWriMo, Day 26.
love this, the sound of it, the title everything *
this is wonderful. Love the gizzard imagery & the pacing & sound of the piece.
Wonderful - so lyrical :)
Such nice depth and flow. A "velvet glove" poem. I am a applauding. Fav
I love everything about this poem. Favorite.
"He will grow long hairs for the corners of his mouth." !! Nice!