Stories tagged relationships

the last thing

14671467 views33 comments33 favs

salmon maple syrup horseradish smoke detector the list read, scrawled in purple marker on the refrigerator door.

States of Residency

251251 views3232 comments1919 favs

My grandmother was born on a wooden table, in a dark kitchen, in a blue house, in an apple orchard. When she was seven and complained of a sore throat, the same doctor who birthed her took her tonsils out on that rough-hewn table where she was born, where


15141514 views66 comments22 favs

In the morning, Alan woke with only a half hour before he had to be at work. He pulled his clothes out of the dryer and folded them on the top of the washing machine. On the side of table he noticed, in among people’s old, stray socks, a button like one


17641764 views55 comments33 favs

They giggled at me when they thought I was asleep, giggled at the size of my balls, which had never been a problem before her. Said it was because of my tiny balls that we only had two children.

Bang Bang

2424 views66 comments22 favs

   They met for coffee almost every afternoon. She liked to talk, he liked to listen. He pretended her voice reminded him of wind chimes. He knew it was an ordinary voice, but it resonated in his loneliness, and sometimes he heard her in his sleep.    “My husband's…


99 views55 comments00 favs

   They met for coffee almost every afternoon. She liked to talk, he liked to listen. He pretended her voice reminded him of wind chimes. He knew it was an ordinary voice, but it resonated in his loneliness, and sometimes he heard her in his sleep.    “My…

Something for you

13291329 views66 comments11 fav

Bearing the smell of paper on her fingertips. Ink in her hair.


18351835 views1616 comments1313 favs

We soft boiled the free range egg, cracked it, and were surprised to find nothing in it.

My First Serial Killer

4141 views55 comments22 favs

My serial killer can't commit. His knife blade is dull and raises red marks across my skin the way a pencil eraser might--long, pink, but hardly fatal. "That the best you can do," I taunt despite myself. "Not that great a serial killer, huh? Too little practice?" I had…


14351435 views00 comments00 favs

The man is middle-aged, although not rich, and the girl, aside from being very young, is not exceptionally pretty. But she has recently shed twenty pounds for the express purpose of looking fabulous on…


11261126 views00 comments00 favs

"My Chi felt stimulated."


26452645 views1313 comments88 favs

... honestly, the dishes were just tired. Too few in number and washed too often, they dreamed of an escape -- any escape, really -- from the endless cycle of hot water and being racked together to dry ...

Guess Who Was At The Party?

29912991 views1818 comments77 favs

She didn’t look a thing like his girlfriend. This alone should have been a sign that she was just a fling, a diversion from what he had known for the past five years. She began to think of his girlfriend as guess who. Guess who was at the opening, peopl

Noche de las Ranas

14271427 views33 comments33 favs

He pushed aside the netting and trained the flashlight on the dripping courtyard. Rivers ran off the wide pinanona leaves, surged through fissures in the crumbling wall.


14571457 views55 comments11 fav

'That November I washed my hair with rabbit's blood -"