If you value your privacy Do not date a writer. If you have secrets Do not date a writer. If you want to sneak around Do not date a writer. If you want to lie your head off Do not date a writer. If you want to see &…
The Dude asked Ed: "What about Love, Man?"
Ed shrugged. "Love is just acceptance."
Words that would change my life forever.
I wonder how many crumbs
he can drop to make a cookie,
whole, so I can relax a little
and throw out the self help books
about how I'm not right in
the motherfucking head,
He stops smiling and only
says he loves me when prompted,
as if asking me to pass the salt
for his inner peace as it tastes too bland.
Instead, I get things like,
“Why can’t you find a nice man with cancer or a bum leg?”
I talk wands and magic and how women aren't supposed to care,
but I do, and she talks length and girth.
Her fiancé has neither,
she makes an illustration with her pinky
and says that if they don't marry within the year,
she's dumping his ass
and we
I know she's a dog person, as she owns one.
“No, my asshole ex-boyfriend wanted one and then he left me with it.” she admits, then adds,
“I don't even like dogs. All dogs are needy.”
"Maybe so, but you have seen those photos in the National Geographic, right? Do you really want to risk it?" she demands and I sigh in defeat.
I wake up at midnight, hot from too many blankets and pull my bra off through the sleeves of my shirt. I th
with letters of your choosing
I offer you a peanut butter sandwich full of unconditional love
and you say I'm being controlling, so I let you eat cake, eat cake.
Her smile scrolls back into its opening lines; cinder books full of bold slices of Ampersand describe soft conjunctives, for all the dovetailing and captured
When you think I'm not looking,
I always am.
You say it's like nicotine, your best analogy as a non-smoker.
The kind of hit that is hard to live without and isn't it human nature,
you ponder.
You snore and the house is safe again.
“Okay, here is a wild idea. Let's each choose outfits from the second hand store for the other to buy and wear to a bar for a drink..."
Famous second to last words?
Randall had created Raoul to enjoy the freedom of being another person, but this became his second life crisis.