She loved him first. Then he loved me
We pulled on snow boots
It was only rain, but it was hard
I wanted boots to get me from here to there
When she was gone, I was here and there
They were related in some far off Russian way
We were related, her and me
And so I guess he and I were related too.
But martinis, after the second
We didn't feel related, not in that way
We felt
Meant to be
We had thirds
And then we felt destined
Then we tried out destiny
And destiny failed us
Then he loved me
And I loved him
Forever more
We would be
He and me
I and him
Ever the one that ran away.
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I liked the porousness of this, sense of space surrounding each line, person and statement. And the very good understated lines like,
" We tried out destiny..." As if there were other options. Nice.
This is great, Cherise.
Thanks kindly all! Just a little mental cleansing while working on my book. Much appreciated.