Most discussed stories

Antigone Détente

13691369 views1717 comments1414 favs

Tan my hide. Feed me to rabid / macaques.

Snatch X

14111411 views1717 comments1414 favs

...the astonishing discovery...

Shoot the Moon

10911091 views1717 comments1111 favs

Neither of us thought of real winning. We set about brilliant losing, dark angel forms of luck and greed, the desire, the craving, the need to lose so strenuous that one wins; we tied at thirteen.

Late November

15121512 views1717 comments99 favs

“I found a recipe on the net and now my hair smells of pumpkin.”

Assiduity Two

12481248 views1717 comments55 favs

I'm old enough to be her father.

Unseen (a Five-Pointed Star with Four Streaming Lights Coming Out of Its Back Like Mutable Feathers)

16281628 views1717 comments1515 favs

What you see us doing here is not so much, andall we are not being there isn't either. Our kissing mouths may not always be singing, but we are constantly praying for you, and for more rain or less rain, rivers as the situation warrants. Don't…

Four hearts and a vase of jonquils

13431343 views1717 comments66 favs

Yankees call them daffodils.

The balloon of you

12861286 views1717 comments1313 favs

and the mass exceeds the buoyancy/ and gravity pulls you back,

Three Micros

16211621 views1717 comments1717 favs

The Cheese Maker's Son; The Pretenders; Train Whistles in the Wintertime

The Grilled Saint

12531253 views1717 comments1212 favs

When asked to turn over the Church's riches / he brought before the Roman prefect the poor, blind, ragged and infirm.

Not Making Heads or Tales

839839 views1717 comments1717 favs

Something about shadows and last time and driving.

I'll find you - A Dedication to Mathew Paust

612612 views1717 comments1212 favs

Matt was among those rare creatures; an ideal kind of reader ...


11641164 views1717 comments1111 favs

When he got out of sick bay, they moved him into a room with three other alkies. A kid, a tree trimmer, and a Catholic priest.

Fat Man in a Blizzard

14351435 views1717 comments1515 favs

There he was. Minnesota Fats, short and pudgy, jowly and blond-haired.

Life Support

121121 views1717 comments88 favs

Here's how it works. The clock in my therapy office ticks off the minutes I get to spend talking with each patient, forty-five in and out, regardless of the amount of distress. Less distress has the option of being shoved out earlier but…


16171617 views1717 comments99 favs

I don't know what happened to all the men. Used to wonder if they killed them all.

Maxims (Part 1) Taken from Twitter - Iain James Robb

12111211 views1717 comments22 favs

You can tend to recognise the difference between a good and mediocre mind by observing how each reacts to a misfired original idea.The mediocre mind will praise the merely meretricious, but ignore the more interesting bad art. The higher mind will value the misfired…

Receding Haiku

11831183 views1717 comments1212 favs

love weaves a perforated web between the spikes of longing


255255 views1717 comments1313 favs



12021202 views1717 comments88 favs

Crows etc.


12151215 views1717 comments99 favs

I turned on the television last night, and one of the networks had a segment about a girl with no nose.

Morning and Arachnophobia

972972 views1717 comments66 favs

...Rabidosa rabida- no spinner/ of webs but a quick and cunning solitary hunter. Anxiety overwhelmed


937937 views1717 comments99 favs

...a session/ of hide and seek/ among the syllables.

Morning and Coffee

10011001 views1717 comments1111 favs

A dirtied light falls through/ the grimed windowpanes.

While We Fuck

19181918 views1717 comments33 favs

When you push my bra down, so it rests uncomfortably beneath my breasts—your teeth dragging pink trails across my throat and shoulders, pushing your thumb and forefinger into my panties—you don't say that you love me. You say, “Jesus shit. Relax, baby,…

The Light at the End of You

17541754 views1717 comments1414 favs

I'm reading your remains.

Blades of Grass

820820 views1717 comments88 favs

What are the odds of August rain in Texas?

Folly Island

12431243 views1717 comments1111 favs

I knew a girl on Folly Island who took showers in water so hot her skin blushed pink rosettes.

Bookends of a Life: I

14971497 views1717 comments77 favs

You have transformed me into an aimless, sleepless wraith...

Jangling Note

847847 views1717 comments1616 favs

The art of boozing can't redeem a bastard.