She drew her hands out of the chest cavity and looked at the clock.
‘Time of death,' she said.
In the locker room, she stripped off her bloodied scrubs and put on clothes for the real world. Then she left the hospital and turned the corner, rain flattening her hair.
At Sammy's, she sat at the bar, lit a cigarette and ordered a drink. When it came, she exhaled through her mouth, touched her fingertips to the rim of the glass, and remembered how it was to have a man's heart beat itself out in the cup of her palms.
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102 words
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This is the shortest story in my collection, The White Road and Other Stories. Not sure what inspired it, perhaps too much Grey's-Anatomy-watching! It was one of my flash stories broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in June.
I don't know what it is about the brief glimpse of stark subjects that makes them so appealing, but this is the perfect example.
always wondered how doctors feel after that procedure.
Something to think about.
So much in so few words!
Powerful, definitely.
spellbinding! bravo.
Like these short glimpses that tell a lot.
Really effective and affecting.
enjoyed this, Tania! Great economy. :)
Understated and very nice.
yeeeessss... strong and real
So much power in that ending. Wow. Peace...
David, so glad you liked it.
James, I guess there are some subjects that benefit from a short glimpse rather than a longer study!
Estelle, I have no experience, I made it up, but maybe it is like this?
Christian, that's always the aim!
Kari, thank you.
D'Arcy, so glad it spoke to you.
Jules, thanks so much for taking the time to comment, much appreciated.
Cherise, thank you.
Heather, thanks so much!
Bill, glad you liked it.
Thanks, Kim!
Susan, thank you so much, glad it spoke to you!
Linda, thank you, and to you too!
That last line is so powerful -- really great! I really like how you move from matter-of-fact death to wondering about life.
Very strong writing, Tania. Real feelings all over the page.
bravissima!! this is absolutely wonderful! --so glad to find your work *