Stories tagged microfiction


512512 views2828 comments1212 favs

I love this, she spit...

Riding Off into the Sunset

16811681 views1010 comments22 favs

There's only one road out of here. It goes straight north for a while, then starts veering off toward the west. You and Horace Greeley can get all dreamy-eyed if you want, but I know which side of the river the Egyptians buried their dead on.

The Cobblestones Will See Me Grow

3030 views1111 comments00 favs

Her roommate must not be home because they are naked. They are better looking than us.

On Mondays, Francesca Takes the Stairs

18201820 views2828 comments88 favs

The first flight is effortless


15531553 views2424 comments44 favs

A woman’s hair is her crowning glory, my grandmother always said.

The Night of the Day the Khoi-Khoi Meet Bartolomeu Dias and Crew

22502250 views44 comments11 fav

It keeps coming back to the end of the world. Dogs sitting on roofs, birds flying about indoors, clattering locusts.

The Egg

13341334 views33 comments22 favs

It was spring. The stepmother brought her newish daughter to the toy store for a surprise.

Monkey Love

19081908 views2323 comments44 favs

There's an orangutan riding an elephant that spots a hound dog.

i go to buy folgers coffee & see ninja robots & am okay with it

18351835 views44 comments33 favs

I execute my plan (conceived hours earlier while painting toenails) to go next door to the 7-11 clone and buy some coffee. I am too lazy to walk six blocks to the grocery store. I understand that this is a problem but I will deal with it later I swear. …


15681568 views1212 comments33 favs

The neighbor kids start, we join in–

Lisa Duncan's Mom

19581958 views1111 comments88 favs

Lisa Duncan's mom was puffy, and you could always see part of her breasts.

Too Quiet on the Carpet

13591359 views44 comments11 fav

I've seen the pinch marks. It can't be worth it.

Mountain Country

14771477 views66 comments22 favs

I’ve always missed the mountains, but I didn’t know it until I saw them.


195195 views22 comments22 favs

In another life you would have learned to cook.

A Conversation Between Bacon and Eggs

11671167 views55 comments00 favs

In a hot splattering we were born