512 28 12
1771 10 2
There's only one road out of here. It goes straight north for a while, then starts veering off toward the west. You and Horace Greeley can get all dreamy-eyed if you want, but I know which side of the river the Egyptians buried their dead on.
30 11 0
Her roommate must not be home because they are naked. They are better looking than us.
1931 28 8
The first flight is effortless
1649 24 4
A woman’s hair is her crowning glory, my grandmother always said.
2345 4 1
It keeps coming back to the end of the world. Dogs sitting on roofs, birds flying about indoors, clattering locusts.
1412 3 2
It was spring. The stepmother brought her newish daughter to the toy store for a surprise.
2007 23 4
There's an orangutan riding an elephant that spots a hound dog.
1935 4 3
I execute my plan (conceived hours earlier while painting toenails) to go next door to the 7-11 clone and buy some coffee. I am too lazy to walk six blocks to the grocery store. I understand that this is a problem but I will deal with it later I swear. …
1654 12 3
The neighbor kids start, we join in–
2086 11 8
Lisa Duncan's mom was puffy, and you could always see part of her breasts.
1453 4 1
I've seen the pinch marks. It can't be worth it.
1579 6 2
I’ve always missed the mountains, but I didn’t know it until I saw them.
195 2 2
In another life you would have learned to cook.
1275 5 0
In a hot splattering we were born