1226 9 9
Me: In my orange hazmat, the one that makes my eyes look intensely blue.Him: His flexi-human-hamster ball. Fun, but a bit informal for a first date, I think.We're outside because doorways are not easy for him. After some impromptu rounds of bumper balls on the square, he…
1636 13 9
Things don’t happen here, life is so boring in this little Irish town.
1375 14 10
One by one our friends are kicking the bucket. Let's get together. It's now or never, we figure.
1259 16 9
Have you ever spent twilight in a old pasture?
1440 15 9
Love free of independence is a savage, hungry beast
Phantoms grasping, sweating, gasping 'till her mind could not be freed
1558 18 8
I always step around his mess...
1445 15 9
At the graveyard, the leaves had been raked into loose array....
1551 13 7
Purple not rain! I guess Prince left. It is said that Prince owned the aquifer under Jordan, Minnesota, and that he sold it but to whom? And moved to Canada—
1786 14 7
You know, my mother was afraid that I can no longer resist. She was absolutely right: My four sisters have all passed away before the summer shows its fruit. It was hard "said my mother”, not to see my flowers bloom. I, the calf of my mother,I came…
730 10 8
"I’d rather move a word around a page
than raise a glass or pass a plate
or work a room immune to poetry."
993 17 9
he considers the swirl of galaxies/
with their black hole hearts,
1430 10 10
Yellow Pages season is on us now, and Jimmy's drivin' a contract route. He'll head out to the San Joaquin where they print, and load ‘em in the back of his Tundra with the high side walls until the whole damned rig sags low,
1200 11 10
Paris is a great place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there.
2777 15 9
“How’s the Pinto running?” Sean says. It’s been awhile. Maybe Darcy won’t remember him.
1156 14 9
Endurance wears the soul thin.//
The hour to succumb ticks ever closer.
1196 18 8
The cloudless sky/
amplifies the incompletion,/
clarifies the imperfections/
of the night’s normalcy-
1332 17 9
Shakespeare had red hair / Van Gogh never painted a nude
788 10 9
Most of the boys I pretended to marry thought my classroom seductions were funny, but there is a chance that one of the boys turned violent against me.
932 12 9
For the new year, I´ve given up palm oil.
Made shopping a whole lot harder.
Damn orangutans tugging at my conscience.
1469 15 10
It's so far to get to where we aren't inthe way of someone's destructive progress.I'm only walking in my own gardensnow, but the big blue house is like an emptiedout envelope. I guess that makes this themissing letter. I don't know your heart's newaddress, but I once…
1368 14 10
When we take Vengeance,/
shave and shower him,/
deodorize and scent him,/
clothe him in a starched shirt
1210 16 8
I watch the seagulls making their quacking noises
1757 17 9
I don't know what happened to all the men. Used to wonder if they killed them all.
1295 14 9
When Uncle Dan got sent to the Alzheimer's ward, the ladies licked their lips. Fresh meat.
1079 14 9
The dog is reading. This morning, as every morning, the book is open in front of him. Well before his master's rise, he had already read the moon then dawn and the clouds. Now the slippers, these that walk here and there. Followed by coffee and the pages that turn. A little…
829 11 9
I kept my seat. Passengers packed in the aisle weren't moving and until they were, neither was I.
1219 12 9
How could a leaf be an accident?
1315 13 10
Why is there a heavy weight and a chain and a padlock in her woodstove? Because, she says to herself, slightly hysterically, because this is yet another thing that you must carry. Why? Because life is full of chains and padlocks and heavy weights. Hea
1456 13 9
We argue on the way down. We bicker on the walk to the bistro. I get coffee and croissants at the bar and bring them back to our table, and she is still talking, proving me wrong, when I return.
1001 15 9
I will wrap up in quilts that still smell of summer sun