by Darryl Price
It's so far to get to where we aren't in
the way of someone's destructive progress.
I'm only walking in my own gardens
now, but the big blue house is like an emptied
out envelope. I guess that makes this the
missing letter. I don't know your heart's new
address, but I once knew your youthful mind.
That's enough, isn't it? Seems I'm always
talking in my own head, but the echoes
are all silent, sleeping bats. They don't want
to know, they never do. So I sit down,
lost between the floating sunbeams, inside the
current state of reflection, disappear
to a faded place where we might have had
our own enchanted moment together
once. It's another lovely path full of
thick unknowable trees, full of distant
sparkling clouds, but no familiar high
voices inviting one to maybe want
to hold hands just for the fun of it. There's
no fun there, just a darkening glass full
of imagined watered down coke and clear
alcohol. I'll step back out and show you
it's only me. Just as I thought. Birds are
still the only good enough companions
for that kind of an awful answer. You're
the poet man here, so empty out your
best busy lines turn on the hidden cool
waterfalls before we all get bored and
run back to our cars and show us the rare
magic rainbows you promised, or get out
of the way, we're trying to build a new
highway through here, nothing you can say will
ever stop us from inventing our own
country's language on top of yours. Some
little attention spans are already
very short, very small and getting much
smaller like the sun melting into a
black knot of broken tree branches and sad
lumpy shapes on the slumped over ground. Won't
you give us a song then? Listen. The songs
are all around us, they don't have long to
survive. And you have only to listen.
That's the thing I found. If you want to see
for yourself, then volunteer to be missed. dp
Bonus poems:
Nine Steps by Darryl Price
Hey look, the river's still in your head.
Like a King Cobra, the sky's in your
Heart like a mourning moon. And I am
Waiting, waiting for you to refuse
Their forgiveness. They live for firing
Squads. They want everything to be owned
By someone who already owns more
Than enough of everything. I can't
Help you with your fear of love, bobbing
The river like a hopeless leaf. Haul
It in. Days are hanging in the trees.
Fires are in between the snows if you
Know where to look for yourself. There are
Some interesting voices walking
Through the winds looking to find a way
To carry or drag you home. It's your
Choice or it isn't. Hey wait, this is
Not my idea of a fun time,
Hiding like a high court judge among
All the heavy signs. Oh, look, something
Wicked this way comes again. Some of
Us won't pretend we don't need you to
Stand. Hey look, that thing falling from the
Sky looks like some kind of man, but, no,
That's no ball of hummingbirds. It's a
Blackened cloud of hatching hatreds. We
Need to put our best dreams together.
A Universal Meaning of Stars by Darryl Price
The sorrow you brought me is almost at an end,
but it doesn't make me feel any less. No, I
wasn't that surprised by your cunning. It felt like
being pushed overboard into a harsh wind and
sadly, being forced to watch the lights of a last
hopelessly receding ship steam away while you tried to stay
afloat in something dark, mysterious and cold.
I don't know how I survived your anger. I don't
know if I've actually survived. You tell me. The sorrow you
carelessly brought me was a strange gift to receive, one I wasn't
expecting. I'd heard of such falling down things of
course, hateful awful flags deliberately set
with hideous scars on them, hidden under such
innocent mattresses like little flattened angry bombs
meant to disturb you in your private moments of sleep. Did this
war bring you to a gleeful dawning of petty
revenge in your black animal heart? The sorrow
you brought me forced me to my knees, to give up the
friendly ghost of my own childhood sweet heart for a
new born one. I didn't know the new one all that well
and probably never will. It's hard to even
decipher the new beats into anything quite
resembling a universal meaning of stars
like once before, but I'm still trying. The sorrow you brought
me poisoned me almost immediately. I
somehow just couldn't bear to see you freezing in
your crumbling hole of scattered clothes, surrounded by
so many blood-stained scarves, so I took you inside,
hoping to see you flowering again. But the
mad sorrow you brought me was a lightning quick strike to the back of my neck.
It began to rain in my head almost daily.
Now the good earth alone has done me its kindest
favor and returned your rotten tooth marks to the
furnace-like soil where all stories are absolved of
their bad endings. The unfolding is done as we
stumble on toward different shores like first fish on opposite shores. dp
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882 words
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This poem took about six to seven hours to write and construct, but it was worth it because it shows the strong foundation of its art without skipping over the inevitable downbeats of a lost and lonely broken heart.
This story has no tags.
Powerful in its simplicity. *
Thanks, John.
So many overtones and undertones, so woefully, eloquently sung. *
Thank you, Mathew.
* love the opening line--
Gary, thanks.
I like the opening line, too.
Listen. The songs
are all around us, they don't have long to
survive. And you have only to listen.
I was listening to The Wicker Man soundtrack when I read this poem.
Kitty and Samuel, thanks as always.
I give up after an hour or so. Godspeed!
* DP.
Good poem.