by Gary Hardaway
Sermons and Lessons
There are those who endure,
those who succumb, and- pulling
strings on and off stage- the ones
who enjoy the spectacle
of those who endure and succumb.
Endurance wears the soul thin.
The hour to succumb ticks ever closer.
The masters smile, anticipating
another collapse as the next scene
in their ancient morality play.
When Trust Is Rare
Lately, I dismiss the faces I meet until
their words speak themselves visible.
Even then, I deny distinctive wrinkles,
moles, asymmetrical flecks of color
in the eyes, until actions speak, clearer
than words. Unstable times demand
a wariness stability would strip away.
Everyone is adversary until one isn't.
The Work Week
He wakes , Monday, with its
baggage of dread and is
exhausted, consumed, as always,
by precarity and boredom.
The day promises, as every other,
a routine of groveling
and the threat of termination-
the paired delights of menial employment.
Routines empower the resistance to
fatigue and energize the coffee and shower.
The drive is short enough and the
commute predictable as sunrise.

You do everyday noir so well I have to laugh to keep from crying.
Sound cautionary tales all.
Thank you, Matt.
Thank you, Edward.
"Even then, I deny distinctive wrinkles,"
I enjoyed the second poem very much.
Thank you, Erika.
*, Gary. I like "The Work Week". The curse of routine employment.
All three ring true, but I like "The Work Week" along with David.
"The drive is short enough and the
commute predictable as sunrise."
I'm in that boat.*
Thank you, David.
Thank you, Tim.
This reminds me of Dostoevsky, the gravitas. That's the first thing I thought of. So.
Thank you, Dianne.
Your relentless cynicism cuts through all the cant to allow room to breath.
Thank you, David.
Love the form, all three work very well together *
Thank you, Foster.