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17271727 views99 comments33 favs

The year I lick so much windowpane off stamps I have to use Elmer's glue to back the twenty-center for a postcard cash request to my mother, that I am alive note at the end of term, is the year of all the "wine" parties. "Wine" is what we put down

Application for Position as Failure

11961196 views99 comments22 favs

Dear Sir/ Madam I wish to apply for the position you advertised in the Daily Sun. Although my expertise is in self-obliteration and self-worth (or lack of), and my work mainly in disappointment, I do have much experience in failure, which this letter will…

Milky Way of Impossibility

979979 views66 comments33 favs

Can we meet in the desert, I will stand with a cactus flower clenched between my teeth and balance en pointe. I will tame snakes and find your serpent tongue with my eyes closed. I will usher in the clouds, when it grows hot, and, should you becom

~with every breath~

11021102 views11 comment22 favs

she goes jogging with the feet of an angel the sound of crunching leaves like wrapping paper torn open to reveal an expensive doll and the light in her mother's eyes.

~the brilliant machine~

14151415 views44 comments22 favs

when the sun goes down alone vice is forgotten in the night wind your lover's voice on the phone held fast in the balance of gravity and momentum overcoming inanimate objects and the unknown

The Show Must Go On

10461046 views55 comments44 favs

I had the idea for a pageant for my obedience school at spring graduation

Song Against Unwarranted Cheer

961961 views77 comments22 favs

If I should stumble into cheerfulness/ remind me of all the business models

Red and Lavendar Silk

10771077 views55 comments44 favs

Swatches of Chinese silk in vivid red and lavender fly through the air. My granddaughter in her mid-thirties reaches for the cloth. I see in her mirror a shape forming; a slim, gray haired woman with a spring in her step. I pause to admire my reflection and pass over the…

After all

879879 views55 comments33 favs

The questions piled up so high I thought I'd neverget through the door.The ease of alcohol, the incline of submission. Guttural sounds and spittle.Wipe down the morning afterwith a shower.Redress in last night's clothes.There's coffee if you want it.Sincerity too -no,…

The Prettiest Lie

16231623 views66 comments33 favs

Your life is going to change—how many times was that prediction offered in one form or another during my wife’s pregnancy? Mothers often said it with a bliss-touched smile; fathers with a smirk that was both sardonic and conspiratorial, and a distinct


972972 views44 comments44 favs

“What. Is. That?” Sid asked, staring at the shaggy ball of fur sitting in the living room. Its tongue hung out of its mouth and its tail beat against the carpet.“This is Ranger,” his mom said. “I don't know what breed he is, but he's a sweetie…

Crazy Later

12631263 views66 comments22 favs

A year ago, my neighbor was a sexy graduate student in fashion design, sounds perhaps shabby, yet if it is, then we in the Middle West are all shabby. That girl's father graduated from high school with Bob Dylan in Hibbing, not entitling her to a child.

There’s No Peace In The World

651651 views33 comments33 favs

Then there was the time I splurged, hoping a higher-priced phone might keep me from slamming it against the wall.

Don't Touch

13491349 views77 comments22 favs

Frank must have said "don't touch" about a million times over the course of the day

"Your face seems faint against the violet glades..."

10191019 views55 comments33 favs

Your face seems faint against the violet glades; The long winds echo once, then fail to start. Some wounding scent has stripped my hopes apart That dwelled to scent you. From the cavalcades The leaves make, bare at times since eve's sting fades To…

Child's Play Brings Back Memories of Busted Heads for Greying Protestor

15971597 views88 comments33 favs

"My boy Jake fell in with a bad crowd when he went to college," Coffelt says, shaking his head. "A bunch of accounting majors."

I Am the Poetic Kiss of Death

12681268 views66 comments33 favs

My poems have appeared in four different publications; three have died shortly after they ran my stuff. Coincidence, or something more sinister?

Need and Desire

11541154 views66 comments33 favs

“I mean it, Hanna. I don't want you to.” But his leg felt carved away where her head had lain. One stupid thing jostling another for attention. He was afraid that if she touched him again, he'd have her on the ground.

The Man Inside

832832 views44 comments44 favs

...her facial twitches, gasps and whines, her moments of trapped silence.

Berthier Door

14591459 views44 comments33 favs

On Day 1122 at 4:14 AM the door which has remained since installation firmly glued to the masonry behind opens and a man emerges blinking shielding his eyes against fine stinging snow.

Her Dream of Ending

13961396 views11 comment11 fav

I. The girl within the sleeping woman dreams her dream of ending. To her comes the cowgirl with no kids: she's riding high atop her turquoise horse, steady by its braided mane. Silver pistols holstered. The girl in the woman in the dream she's dreaming…

Early Thoughts on the Oedipus Complex

18081808 views77 comments33 favs

Conversation becomes Electra, as do her eyes. Electra’s head is grey, like the head of my Frau Freud, Martha. Her intelligent irises are darkly pigmented, and her sclerae are edged with a dramatic, black line of the sort that Cleopatra affected. In ou

Rocky Mountain Oysters

13041304 views88 comments22 favs

“They’re Rocky Mountain Oysters,” the blond said. “Fresh. You’ll absolutely love them Jim.”

Woman in a Film Running to Save Her Love

10391039 views33 comments44 favs

If she does not get to him in time, / all is lost.

The Lateness of the Night Lies Dreaming

13131313 views66 comments33 favs

Your finger quivers as it writes Upon me words in water, Words I cannot read nor drink But feel them as you drink Them with your tongue

Dust to Dust

977977 views44 comments33 favs

He began to chop the powdery substance and separate it into segments.

Confessions of a Closet Hoarder

12131213 views44 comments33 favs

Many years ago I visited a nude beach. I undressed at the car and walked with my companions onto a California beach as naked as the day we were born.

Everything that's ever been said about clouds

310310 views44 comments33 favs

Is not enough. There are not enoughwords enoughsighsto describe a cloud. Not enough similes,not enough metaphors.The thesauruscoughed upa feather.And what if a cloud were to beslowly moving over me on a rainy daylike a puff…

Spilled Milk on a Fresh Lawn

756756 views44 comments33 favs

What if it was all cut and calculated.

Please, tell me of the smell of the moon

13751375 views33 comments33 favs

Do you know first hiss of batter hitting groundnut oil in a shallow pan, I ask, on a morning after a long, dream-ridden sleep?