by Tia Prouhet
gutter wombed,
i know you.
you look like
the insides of my cheeks
my fingernails have you trapped beneath them
where oceans meet in
a haze of crush
deafening to witness.
pressing in
i dont know how
you can't see it's love.
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explaining violation. again.
this is a very good poem
"gutter wombed" is a helluva first line
"geafening to witness" torques
way to bring it home at the end, Palooza_Logic
shanks. shanking you.
Amazing use of space. What a story in such a compressed form - words. The long line in the middle is made, by the form ... and the fact that it follows that particular compacted line, very effective. This is a well written piece.
not only a great poem but the best "thanks" ever, tia. well done...i think we should all say shanks instead of thanks.