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Excuse Me, There’s Some Suspicious Activity In the Men’s Room?

663663 views44 comments33 favs

Someone has locked themselves in the large stall They’re smoking one cigarette after another And pulling long stretches of toilet paper off the rolls God only knows for what purpose And yelling for anyone who’s outside the stall To go get them


813813 views44 comments44 favs

Sharpen your nails.

Who Do You Say I Am

14731473 views55 comments33 favs

You’ve gathered in church to wait for Jesus. Unarguable signs have let you know this is the day. This is the day of the second coming. This is Judgment Day. It was a no-brainer to wait at the church.


14571457 views55 comments44 favs

On the television, a round woman sits amongst the mannequins. She wears a headband. She describes some awesome jewelry.

Breakfast in Prague on 9/11

857857 views44 comments44 favs

I was sitting in Prague having breakfast on 9/11 near the Astronomical Clock while the world was bombing ISIS the sons of ex-Nazis sitting at a table nearby and old apparatchiks leisurely eating sausages while the world took a moment to


11141114 views44 comments33 favs

A story about convincing people to do things they don't want to do, written entirely in dialogue; originally published by CHEAP POP.

After Our First Kiss, The Paranoia Sets In

11051105 views44 comments44 favs

Your kiss has spread like a fever, persistent and catastrophic for an ill-prepared heart like mine.

After Watching Zardoz

296296 views55 comments33 favs

Infinite storage space for unreflected patterns.Pretty pictograms from the fields of time and motion.Uplifting monotones despatching Jupiters and Saturns.Remember? The second we crawled from out the ocean,vulgarians of the sunpoised against the tip of a cosmic…

The Doorstop of Time

887887 views55 comments33 favs

And then there was a man pissing in 2 urinals, going back and forth between them, saying, “You know how they say 2 heads are better than one? Well, now I get it!”

Bukowski and Me

259259 views44 comments44 favs

I like to think of Bukowski and meknocking back beers in some downtown LA bar, Buk telling me some tale of ordinary madness (“Man, you shoulda seen the big old ass on her, I loved to hang onto it while we fucked.”) as I stare, nodding, at…

Just Another Sunny Day of Terror

111111 views77 comments33 favs


Chasing the “Z” words

12211221 views1010 comments33 favs

It ain't the steak, it's the sizzle.

Twin Moons

25072507 views1010 comments44 favs

Stroman first saw the moons when he took Lisa’s blouse off. He did not call them moons when he first saw them; they were merely identical crescent-shaped crimson discolorations at the tops of each of her breasts.


13561356 views44 comments44 favs

She served him pie she knew was ruined.


11481148 views44 comments44 favs

I gave you two daughters. I gave you four grandchildren. I'm done.


14941494 views1212 comments22 favs

i miss you/ at times unbearably/ a dull ache that won’t quit

the open road

11241124 views44 comments44 favs

There are moments in life where it's like you're driving late at night and you should be on your way home but really you're just rolling along aimlessly through the city streets when suddenly you turn a corner and realize the road is open and empty for miles to come, a…

Grace Gladys Gibbons

14801480 views44 comments33 favs

Grace Gibbons is a way of life.

STIFF NOW! The Early Embalming Craze Sweeping the Nation!

12711271 views44 comments44 favs

Originally designed for para-morticians and pre-professional undertakers, the Protocol has now been certified and approved for over-the-counter purchase and is completely safe (check local regulations for sales to minors: not approved for veterinary use).

Bug Water

713713 views44 comments44 favs

Milton Berle bought a hot dog at the Stucky's snack bar once. True. I wasn't there, but I believe it.

Automatically Writ between Meals

517517 views44 comments33 favs

The misspent effort reposed spontaneously, a prank worth ending with the dog letter: “GrrrrrrrR!”


11901190 views44 comments44 favs

Betrayal of course is the great human crime. As I found out when . . . .

The Kisses of a Satyr

15791579 views66 comments44 favs

“I better go. My mom needs me at home,” she says. Soft. Smooth. Firm. Sweet. Maybe I’m pushing too hard. I kiss her on the cheek and she stiffens in response. My heart bleats.

On the Country Roads Tonight: I Don't Care - song

828828 views44 comments44 favs

Wheels are spinning On the country roads tonight I’m driving all alone No one else in sight And the wind’s in my hair And I don’t care Yeah, the wind’s in my hair And I don’t care


15551555 views66 comments44 favs

"...I wonder if it held magical powers..."

Rhapsody On The Edge Of A Knotted Finger

321321 views1010 comments33 favs


Despite the Spring

929929 views44 comments44 favs

The scarred heart pumps its viscous blood.


13051305 views55 comments33 favs

For reasons he couldn't fathom, his motorcycle only moved in reverse. He engaged the engine and lurched backward hard. He called a friend, a gear-head with perpetually dirty nails, asked him to look it over.


17771777 views55 comments33 favs

They giggled at me when they thought I was asleep, giggled at the size of my balls, which had never been a problem before her. Said it was because of my tiny balls that we only had two children.

The Ex Flies

671671 views55 comments33 favs

"My ex Maxine claimed red wine was the healthy alcohol choice. When we were married and I still had money she drank the expensive stuff, as if drinking Chateau Montrose 2005 instead of two buck chuck made her any less of a wino. She would have been better