by Mathew Paust
It ain't the steak, it's the sizzle. I first read this sentiment decades ago as an insider's tip on how to pitch a book idea, or even a completed manuscript, to an agent or publishing house. It made sense at the time, cynical as I'd become with a file folder bulging with rejection slips. Thus, this sage advice prompted me to spend perhaps more creative energy than I had to spare coming up with clever titles and blurbs for my queries and cover letters.
Amid a newspaper reporting career at the time, I'd gotten fairly good at snagging a reader's interest with the first sentence, and I knew a catchy headline when I saw one. Yet, despite my best efforts pimping my fiction with carnival come-ons, that folder of rejection slips kept getting fatter. My sizzle failed to entice anyone to try my steaks. Why? Well, to dance around the probable truth, the last thing a writer wants to admit is that he's fooling himself and that his steaks are merely gristle.
Richard Wheeler had entered the writing game a few years before I did. We share some common ground. Both are Wisconsin boys (or were) and both were floundering in sputtering newspaper careers. We each ended up writing fiction, but Wheeler had more guts. He jumped off the creaking boxcar and headed for Fiction Junction without a map, while I rattled along to the end of the line. Today he has more than 60 published novels and a bunch of awards under his belt. Me? Three books, self-published.
I hadn't heard of Wheeler until recently. My favorite mystery writer, Ed Gorman, recommended his friend's literary memoir, An Accidental Novelist, which I immediately ordered. Finished reading it yesterday. Wheeler taught me a lot in this book, besides introducing me to a man so much like myself it's scary—a distinct difference being his having more guts.
Perhaps his most important lesson, which I happily share with all other aspiring novelists, is the secret of the other “Z” word. As I consider suspense a form of torture, I'll give you the word right now: Buzz.
Buzz is the hipper, au curranter version of the traditional “word of mouth.” It's more effective for selling books than big-budget publicity by a big-name publisher that takes out full-page ads in literary magazines and sends an author on big-time promotional tours. Wheeler speaks from experience here, having enjoyed the luxury of big-time tours that stroked his ego, got him TV interviews and audiences with important literary lights, book-signings galore and nights in the best hotels. Despite all this, the expensive tours did little to stimulate sales of the touted books, he says.
What did work, he claims, was the reaction of readers. If they like a book and recommend it to their friends, the sales will take off. How to get the buzz started, especially for an unknown author? Free books:
I believe that publishers should simply give away half of an obscure author's first printing at free bookstore signings, book festivals and other venues, and that this sort of pump-priming is the only type of promotion of obscure authors that will ultimately pay off.
With this advice in hand, I hereby announce a five-day free download of my latest novel, Sacrifice, at
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Ha! You got me :) And thanks for the freebie.
This was fun to read, regardless.
Thanks, Carol. I know this was pushing the line, if not crossing it, but I figured many here would appreciate knowing of Richard's book.
Brilliant, creative strategy that is probably a lot cheaper than other PR.
Plus, he and others say, the big houses don't spend much on marketing anymore for any but their marquee authors. And it makes sense to me that getting people talking about a book is the best way to generate interest. Thanks for commenting, Gloria.
Sizzling buzz. Good luck with your novel promotion. *
Tks, Mykell. The free downloads have been "selling" like hot cybercakes. My first experience with this Amazon promotional technique.
Tks, Gary.
Wouldn'ta killed you to put an extra "z" in your buzz, Con, now would it? But thanx anyways.