i miss you
at times unbearably
a dull ache that won't quit
never believed i could feel this
again & look at me talking to this screen
hopeless the worst thing the need to confess
every five minutes as if there were not enough
to bore the hell out of a nation easily distracted
bp and haiti and palestine and other disasters unrelated
to this feeling of utter hopelessness brought on by as simple
a thing as the sight of you in a hair band a scraped knee a child
in latch key my heart a collapsed staircase a clump of curated crystal
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104 words
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exiting the train at the frank lloyd wright house he sees a person in distress
a concrete poem, best viewed in small print (not large)
This story has no tags.
heartbreaking hopelessness
but also: a poem about why anyone writes in the first place
Lovely, sad, lonely...
not homesick but timesick..
Peace ~ Rene
Fave line: "in latch key my heart a collapsed staircase a clump of curated crystal"
The words are magnetic.
I won't pretend I get all poetry...but with this poem one can feel the melancholy...at least I do.
e, rene, jules,
many thanks to wach of you for reading this sad little thing
Beautiful. love this....loved that curated crystal.
curated crystal,
bore the hell out of a nation easily distracted...
thank you for sharing this.
d'arcy & randall,
thanks so mch for reading and commenting--
Really lovely, G.
Nice work, Gary.
marcelle & sam,
thanks for reading!
I like your staircase form. The "utter hopelessness" comes through.
thank you, kari