1107 14 6
1009 7 7
i waited for the moon last night for hoursfell asleep with the record player on and dreamedof rain running downgutters of sea glass housesthe sun nudged me awakeand she served me toasthe's not serious,she saidhe's half baked,full of…
1374 10 7
She can never say why, but guilt rides her bones
like the spirit. She rubs worry raw.
1157 10 7
"But is it politically correct?" he asked. "Oh, yes," said Hank. "It's all the rage."
917 12 7
Nostalgia is
when memories
turn into Gods
of knowing who you were.
549 13 7
2213 8 7
“I don't have any position for you,” Ellington told Strayhorn. “You'll do whatever you feel like doing.”
1697 6 7
My softness craves your weight. Give me your shape, and I won't resist it. Or, rather, I will but just enough to recall it. I can only give that much, and that's my fatal flaw. If I were a more pliable thing, I could let go of these impressions. The stains—coffee,…
1203 9 7
Out in the world again, pretending to belong.
1178 9 7
They rise up, a sullen, sorrowful/
army of reproach, staring,//
stone-faced but eyed with fire.
995 8 7
The machines of her perception/
tuned themselves to frequencies//
that peeled her skin and fatty tissue
1246 3 4
Argus was on to me from the moment I unrolled my mat.
He knew damn well I was in the wrong room,
but he turned blind eyes.
1311 9 7
It sometimes happens a student remains a friend long after you both have abandon academe.
1269 11 7
When I cook sausages, I am afraid I will not let them sit in the pan long enough, and they will be pink inside. Then, even if the pigs have been handled humanely, I and the person for whom I've prepared this meal will be at risk for some terrible stomach poisoning.Let's say…
1262 8 7
For the first time in her life
She felt she understood
The smell of a man.
The smell of white tulips,
The taste of a persimmon
In her mouth.
She remembered how married she felt
To him, in that moment. How close
To the earth, and ancien
1812 9 7
"...across from me
staring at my bare knees."
1141 14 6
The white space beckons-/
a blank wall in a decrepit neighborhood-/
wishing to be decorated or defiled
899 7 7
I enjoy the walk through these crowded woods. It's good to be back among deeply seated young and old trees again. That familiar smell, you want to always savor it so very much, to not deny any of it. It smells like a blue sky, the…
977 8 7
The musician’s wife had a roving eye. He didn't care. He liked being married to a wild and crazy woman.
704 8 7
we wanted summer:
Distillers at Myhalyk's
all those cancelled shows
1111 14 5
I suggested when we passed the flesh shack that we turn around and that I go in and say to the sex workers that the Russians are fetching $3.5K per hour in Manhattan and it's private, unlike there at that road-side shack.
1950 14 6
Sometimes she imagined the piles of Dr. Nishad's medical waste at the end of productive day at the hospital. Stacks and heaps of connective tissue, lung matter, gristle and bone, cancerous clumps of tongue and stomach and ropes of bad muscles like wrung,
1142 7 7
You don't have to push back so hard. We wore our hair long. We wanted the animals to trust us in their wild open spaces. Everything will come undone. We wore our hair long because we wanted to Be able to find our way home in the dark…
1551 19 6
People disappeared in the 70's—young girls, teenagers, they always said they ran away. Nobody really believed that the next-door neighbor was capable of that kind of horror. These two girls disappeared and the police had been digging up the farm of t
1249 8 7
I supposed reluctantly that Princeton is soft as Macalester College is soft. A person could die just for having attended U.W.-Madison or Yale.
1350 9 7
awfully evil decisions upstairs in your head that could come back to haunt you in your later years;I'm here to report your zooming about hair isn't really one of them. You have found the infernal wheel works in all four directions at once. Good for you.…
1215 11 6
Is this a place to show posterity and mortality?
1187 8 7
Pale like a tracing of a memory
1259 9 7
Never mind that they cost millions per year just to amuse the monkey bone in us all or that they spew pollution or that their only real purpose is murder. They are justified by skill and thrill.
1704 8 7
His mouth is a flesh cave where a grizzly slumbers and winter is the blank page of my face.