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Seven Haiku for Sad and Scary Times

15441544 views2222 comments1515 favs

The Cheshire grinning/ moon cups itself to capture/ Venus should she fall.

Not Lao-tzu's Yellow Brick Road, i - xvi

15641564 views1010 comments1010 favs

the Way that can be mapped leads nowhere.


14861486 views2020 comments1313 favs

A tiny story, 55 words, just enough to fit on a . . .

from Tsalmaveth

789789 views11 comment11 fav

Anastomose my veins to / yours so we may / share // a dream pooled between us

Moon collar

13241324 views99 comments99 favs

I don't think dogs like to die with the pack. The smell of them rotting brings trouble in the wild,

The Angel Closes the Rain

932932 views44 comments44 favs

I may have gone A little soft in the brain But I swear I still see it The angel closes the rain Even God has to refrain From causing us pain When the angel closes the rain So the angel closes the rain At the end of time The angel mus

Micromanaged Truth

853853 views22 comments22 favs

Let your father stay through that dinner when his mistress needed him, while your mother was on the verge.


10751075 views66 comments44 favs

It was a lover’s dark. They had been talking for hours when daylight lost interest and had gone elsewhere for sport.

Fear the Future: 25 Brief Tales in Various Keys of Woe, Fear, and Loathing

12521252 views1313 comments66 favs

The three were up early to await the deer with rifles, ammunition, and coffee.

Cattle Crossing

764764 views77 comments55 favs

"You wantin' one of them kittens? If we can't give 'em away we're gonna drown 'em. We got too many."

juvenile haiku

14141414 views99 comments77 favs

leaves of a season/float into a brook among/bubbles fit to burst.

Thumbing For a Ride

10491049 views1010 comments66 favs

Here comes my speed dealer he's riding shotgun in the open

Feb 8

12201220 views1515 comments66 favs

Call it a spell or a prayer or a ritual; it worked.

Sex & Love Addicts Anonymous

15621562 views2222 comments1010 favs

Liz spied the box of Kleenex right away. She sat down at the chair closest to the Kleenex.

Lover's Spat

10551055 views55 comments44 favs

“You haven’t been listening, have you.”

The Next Landscape

11611161 views66 comments66 favs

The day came shyly up to me like a rolling orange thing. Perhaps of alien origin, but not if the Buddha of our foolish hopeless dreamer inside has anything to say about it. It said, pick me up. I did. It looked like forever on the inviting horizon with trees as…

The oranges are dreaming

135135 views99 comments33 favs

The oranges are dreaming that they have turned to apples.


11411141 views1212 comments88 favs

Trigger warning: casualties of war.

Things You Should Know, By Heart, If You Must

712712 views44 comments33 favs

The light is always on in reality The Gelatinous Mass is not something made up By the Catholic Church And even though a small deer may have come to the side of the road once To lick the salt from your wounds There will definitely be cheap fish

Feb 5

948948 views66 comments44 favs

He peels the garlic while I stir the lentils; he chops the cilantro while I peel kale leaf from stem. Also, the rings. Also, no one is going anywhere.

A Good Man Is Hard To Find. But What About A Good Dog?

10501050 views22 comments22 favs

I recently discovered that the man I'd loved and trusted for twenty years had a secret girlfriend on the side for the past decade. We've parted ways and I'm trying to go on with my life. At about the same time, my friend Judy lost her beloved elderly dog after…

Guinness for Iron

11131113 views1010 comments88 favs

My sister / craves raisons

A Monologue About Skyscrapers

13781378 views66 comments66 favs

Everyday the buildings seem to be getting taller and taller.

Robin Eggs

708708 views1010 comments77 favs

"The sheriff's mother-in-law made the smoothest 'shine in the county."

Feb 4

731731 views22 comments22 favs

Walking with one giant dog and one tiny one, I didn’t feel at home, but I felt something better.

Marcel Unchained

15431543 views1717 comments1111 favs

Street mime in white face and white gloves, trapped in invisible box. Tip jar empty. Marcel's solo-dancing the tango now, teeth clenching ephemeral rose. Passersby pass him by.


915915 views22 comments22 favs

Steve lowers himself onto a lounge chair and lets out a long, overdue sigh. Cliff and Jim, the frickin’ and frackin’ of the built-in pool industry, are making a Burger Chef run while the cement sets.


10131013 views1313 comments1010 favs

I need a different storage solution

Feb 1

992992 views44 comments44 favs

On our wedding day he carried all of the furniture out of our small bedroom, created a sanctuary.

Texas Spleen

11721172 views1313 comments77 favs

Can we survive our Y chromosome?