Texas Spleen
by Gary Hardaway
Human Males Will Kill Us All
Can we survive our Y chromosome?
I think not. From the Sumerians onward,
the Y leads us to conflagrations brutal
and useless. Leads us to a predation,
social and economic, that puts the world
of mammals at climatological risk.
The plants and bugs and microbes
will adapt as the lions and tigers
and bears (Oh my!) lie down
in sediments of soot and plastics.
Fuck the humans. They deserve
extinction. It's the lions and
tigers and bears (Oh! My…) I mourn.
Atlanta Was Spared by Mistake
Sure, Sherman burned Atlanta.
He should have salted it as well,
as Rome did Carthage. Prevent
the offending weed from flowering
again. Consign the city to oblivion.
When to Stop Drinking
Stop drinking when
you can't stand up
to pour the next drink.
Various Titles for Trump After January 20, 2017
Asshole in Chief
Motherfucker in Chief
Fuckwad in Chief,
Shithead in Chief.
Moron in Chief.
Dumbfuck in Chief
Shitbag in Chief
Scumbag in Chief
Cretin in Chief
Serpent in Chief
Idiot in Chief
Cheeto in Chief
Hair Piece in Chief
Golden Shower in Chief
Thief in Chief
Lizard in Chief
Brain Death in Chief
Zombie in Chief
Useless Piece of Shit in Chief
Psycho in Chief
Never my president.
January 20 Haiku
How resilient are
these crumbling United States?
Too soon, we'll find out.

Grinding my teeth, laffing and growling, fighting back tears of rage.
Blood pressure up, pouring another drink, popping another Xanax.
Thank you, Matt.
Thank you, Kitty.
Thank you, Jerry.
* Haiku is spot on. And that's usually how I stop drinking.
Thank you, Nicholas.
Gary: your optimism is showing!
Five good surveys.
Thank you, Edward.
Hard and real.The dissolving times. *
Thank you, Sam.
Sad and angry, perhaps but this made me laugh!*
Thank you, Tim.