by Darryl Price
The day came shyly up to me like a rolling orange thing. Perhaps of alien origin, but not if the Buddha of our foolish hopeless dreamer inside has anything to say about it. It said, pick me up. I did. It looked like
forever on the inviting horizon with trees as curtains beckoning the distant disappearing view. It's so beautiful, I said. Climb on through, come on, it's going to be okay. That day had already started floating
to the widening blue ceiling, melting and spilling into churning white (creamy clouds). More beauty, I thought. Surely this is a pretty encouraging good sign, and it was nothing else for a little while. That's a
gift in its own self. I can't say it wasn't lonely. I can't say it wasn't strange and hard to find a familiar highway. But there was always more to it than that. But only because of the soul people. Isn't that the
ultimate irony then? We bring the freshly painted story of an enormous mountain to more than mundane life, even as we huff and puff up its lovely nakedness with less than pure intent. We make the
most amazing sense out of the next landscape when we are in love with all life. Oh, don't worry I've also seen the awful deliberate destruction up close, too. It still doesn't take away the lucky possible paths to
everywhere we find in each other's inviting eyes. How could it? David Bowie said it. I listened. We can be heroes. Nothing is ever nailed down for long on this crawling universe. Scientists like to look at their own
fingers and toes under a bigger and bigger microscope. Poets do the same thing only through whatever's currently available and wild and free. Different strokes. Well night is coming on. I can hear the hooves
knocking at the weakening door. I can hear the snorting of stars. Can't say it's not just as interesting as things once were. I won't leave crying. You can't stay wonderful forever. Take this love seed and grow it somewhere lost.
Bonus poems:
Your Boredoms
by Darryl Price
Your boredoms are not my fascinations. Your boredoms
Belong to the ice caves with the Mammoths,
Although haven't they been tortured enough by the
Changing winds? Your boredoms are far from twinkling
Objects in the beaks of ancient crows, prophesying
A new age of heartbreak and misunderstanding. Your
Boredoms, I'll do my best to escape them,
But that means you, too. Your boredoms need
To disappear permanently. Your boredoms send a frightened
Animal into the thorns of no contest, I
Wonder if you could be more gentle? Your
Boredoms have never sung into the wind, have
Always bent themselves towards the death of innocents.
Your boredoms don't love babies. Your boredoms are
Sharing a joint in a back alleyway at
Almost dawn. Your boredoms are like my head
Hurts. Take it or leave it. Your boredoms
Having already used the key, have left the
Door unlocked. Your boredoms like the flu are
Taking a long nap. Your boredoms have set
The wordless table. Your boredoms are upturning the
Waiting guitars with miserable glee. Only the shadows
Agree. Your boredom's pockets are full of damaged
Money. Your boredoms are missing a foot, maybe
A few fingers, certainly a heartbeat. Your boredoms
Are moving noiselessly towards cynicism. Your boredoms, like
The rest of the sheep, are floating with
Nothing to guide them but their stomachs. Your
Boredoms are making me feel sunk, falsely accuse
Every star of failing to shine. Your boredoms
Have thrown my poetry into the bushes. Your
Boredoms have come home minus that impossible kiss.
Rules by Darryl Price
I don't want your brand-new world order alibi. Your latest
twist off politics. I haven't been true to any faith,
but I still like people. I don't want to fire
any shot. I will not fight you, but I will
not join. We are not saints. We are not the
masters of angels. We are ordinary. We are doomed in
our limited capacity to love. We are like you. We
are expiring all the time. We are losing everything at
an alarming rate, blazing as we walk or run through
each day. But I still see beauty all around us.
I don't want your money. I don't need a gun.
I haven't begun to read all the books I look
forward to visiting in this lifetime. I'm still discovering
the joys of music. Nature is much bigger than all
us humans put together. The stars are trying to tell
us something important. I still don't want to harm any
other being, but I may have to. I'm not an
idiot. Peace is a pretty good dream to have, but
I'd settle for a little cooperation. I'm a poet on
purpose. I believe in love, but it may not be
enough. It's still the best ingredient we have, to make
sense out of our lives, to heal the pain and
to deliver any true goodness we possess as kindness in
action. I don't want your fingers remodeling my brain for
the new century. I don't buy your bullying tactics. I
don't believe that rules should be built like impenetrable walls
to keep out new ideas. Art, like trees and plants, must always
be given its own free space in any blueprints for
change to preserve the integrity of the designers. We are
builders because we care, not because we fear every shadow.
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When you follow the beautiful clouds you don't always end up back on a familiar road, but on the other hand, there is something vaguely familiar about each and every road. Like rivers and oceans. However your journey may be given to the new listener as a kind of map and a souvenir for good luck on their own perilous way.
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Lovely, even if I am averse to orange things these days. ;)
So nice, Darryl. Thank you.
Great encouragement in this.
Lots of really good lines here and I like the structure.
The day came shyly up to me like a rolling orange thing. Perhaps of alien origin, but not if the Buddha of our foolish hopeless dreamer inside has anything to say about it
That day had already started floating to the widening blue ceiling, melting and spilling into churning white
I can't say it wasn't lonely. I can't say it wasn't strange and hard to find a familiar
We bring the freshly painted story of an enormous mountain to more than mundane life, even as we huff and puff up its lovely nakedness with less than pure intent
Nothing is ever nailed down for long on this crawling universe. Scientists like to look at their own
fingers and toes under a bigger and bigger microscope. Poets do the same thing only through whatever's currently available and wild and free
Well night is coming on. I can hear the hooves knocking at the weakening door
I won't leave crying.
I like this a lot. Good close too *
Well, night is coming on. I can hear the hooves
knocking at the weakening door. I can hear the snorting of stars. Can't say it's not just as interesting as things once were. I won't leave crying. You can't stay wonderful forever. Take this love seed and grow it.