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Stimulating the Dead

758758 views44 comments11 fav

“So–you can get a stimulus check even if you’re dead?” I asked. “hell man–in chicago you can vote if you’re dead. i’ve tried to stay active politically.”


786786 views22 comments00 favs

feathered flightless freak of nature

If You See Something, Say Something

10611061 views11 comment11 fav

You think there’s a chance the bag could be holding a severed head, or live or dead kittens.


12181218 views22 comments00 favs

“I can’t believe you went ahead and got pregnant without me,” I said.

A Small White Cloud

747747 views44 comments00 favs

Has anyone reached inside your eyes lately? Has anyone searched for your soul as it floated near the ceiling of the past? Has anyone told you they needed you to touch them, to lie down beside them and breathe, just breathe, and live wherever it is that ma


10481048 views22 comments22 favs

'Like poems,’ I said she paused and nodded her black mop.

Shenanigans 2 - Anticipation

875875 views22 comments00 favs

One Private View, four couples, not all of whom are adulterous.

Better Days

15101510 views66 comments55 favs

I peeled off a hundred. For the screwdriver, I said. The kid shook his head, made a pushing-away gesture. You need it worse’n I do right now, he said.


10571057 views55 comments00 favs

At 25...

Where's My Phreakin' Nobel Prize in Physics?

12141214 views77 comments33 favs

Where I went to college, you couldn’t swing a dead cat in a physics lab without hitting a Nobel laureate. I know–we tried. They finally made us stop–it wasn’t fair to the cat.

Unseen (a Five-Pointed Star with Four Streaming Lights Coming Out of Its Back Like Mutable Feathers)

16241624 views1717 comments1515 favs

What you see us doing here is not so much, andall we are not being there isn't either. Our kissing mouths may not always be singing, but we are constantly praying for you, and for more rain or less rain, rivers as the situation warrants. Don't…

Sax Named Pegasus

12191219 views77 comments44 favs

I was just sitting in the corner, stirring my stories with a straw that sucked characters out of bars.

In the hot seat

12961296 views11 comment00 favs

I sighed and looked deep into his eyes. “There is nothing more powerful than denial.”

Working things out in my head

912912 views22 comments00 favs

A shot in the dark and everything goes black. It's as if the story never happened.

Rule Out Euthymia

16481648 views2626 comments1212 favs

In her belief that Juni is lucky, Jade eases the horrors our mother suffers at night, not because Juni is stuck in a physical passion, but because the whole family and whole groups of strangers know what Juni is doing for sex.

The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly

14271427 views1414 comments44 favs

One of the women is a brassy blond, and when she takes off her coat, I almost choke on a French fry.


796796 views22 comments00 favs

“Pull out, pull out, you dimwit!” Cheryl B told Andy. “I told you to pull out before you came, if you ever expect to climb up on top of me again! God, Andy, what’s wrong with you?” Cheryl had flaming red hair and was what we now call “Plu

Event Particle

10601060 views55 comments33 favs

She is a manifold of temporal flows.

Shenanigans 1 : Lack of observation

857857 views22 comments00 favs

Keep it quick (and they usually did) and it was simple. Quick as the walk between their houses, from number 27 to number 33 (odd numbers only), and simple as the alibi.

Welcome Mat

878878 views11 comment00 favs

For you, airplane wings said 'life has not been kind here'. Kind, like what was missing was tea or as if we didn't clean our windows properly. There was that time when, stood in the kitchen Rupert saw the fire. Flames lapping at the gate of…

The Strength of Glass

10231023 views44 comments22 favs

They sit across from each other and she smiles as if they were in a normal place.

Wintering at Montauk

19341934 views77 comments55 favs

Montauk was the solution. He had no job, no money. He could stay for the winter at the summer place. It would be a lark. He had come home to Great Neck after losing the last job and they were making broad hints at him to move…

It's My Life

827827 views66 comments22 favs

Look, “Wolfie,” (or “Pharaoh,” or whatever your name is now) a little too much information, don’t you think? I don’t need to hear all the details about you and Sharon. It’s my life, and I’ll cry if I want to – to alter the song just a

Supermarket Limbo

814814 views11 comment00 favs

As soon as a complication emerges, the obvious choice is to move to another line. But I don't. I can't.

My Single Mother

968968 views22 comments11 fav

Like the willow she stands alone, swaying.


929929 views00 comments00 favs

You sleep in equative lip biting slumber hugging a pillow you think is someone else.

His Days

18761876 views2626 comments1616 favs

I thought to tell him I do not love raspberries, but blueberries, but he did not attend to the things I loved.

First Date

11041104 views88 comments55 favs

Both men sip their Cabernet Franc.

Frothing At the Fountain

11331133 views44 comments11 fav

When I came back from California the second time, in the summer of 1965, I was the first around our town to wear my hair long, influenced by the Beatles. And I bought a bunch of blue caps that everyone in our gang wore, with the number “69” sown on


17531753 views1515 comments1111 favs

She sets the muffins aside, opens herself, nymph-like, mouth spread and gritty. She pulls the dirty edge of his gray t-shirt up so to show herself to him, spreads herself across the mattress like thin flesh oil over too much canvas....