So, how did they meet?
After years and years of starvation and gruesomeness and lack of human contact because there were no humans left, only walking corpses, a woman gently lifted the sixty-pound dead man's penis with a cool washrag and wiped him clean.
The dead man opened his eyes.
I love you, he said.
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57 words
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For Ray Collins
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By jove, she's got it! Welcome to this Group, MaryG -- you're off to a grand start!
This 55-worder has punch (and meaning). As I reread MITZVAH, it contains far more than 55 words. Wonderful!
thank you, ray.
It's such a fun form. A lot harder than it looks.
So much more than 55 words. The title brings it all home. Peace *
oh my yes!
The form is really charged. Strong piece.
That was bold.
fave for the beauty of the boldness.
Woo! That was enjoyable. Nice work Mary. Love the title.
thank you everybody! I really appreciate the supportive comments.
wonderful. my first story on the fnaut this morning, pure delight in the smallest space.
Beautifully executed with all the elements of a story as concise as could be.
Really good short-short
i am really moved to think you all read my piece and took the time to tell me how you felt about it. what a great site this is. In case you don't know, MItzvah is the first thing i've posted here. thank you all.
this is just what Fictionaut has needed....a little Cormac McCarthy, perhaps, but with a woman's delicate touch!
thanks jerry! thanks doug!
Love this!
Creepy, but good.
Very strong writing. Brave. Nice work, Mary!
beautifully done. *
Very nice, exactly as it really would happen I would imagine...
Loved this. Joy to read, to contemplate. Good stuff *
Fascinating and scary.